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under construction

Information on Dam Construction in a Russian Nationalpark on the Belaya River 

state November 1999 

annexes by Greenpeace Russia


  • Annex 1: Chronology of the dam construction. 
  • Annex 2 : About the illegal construction of the water reservoir in the Republic of Bashkortostan supported by foreign capital 
  • Annex 3: Reference on violations of the present Russian legislation concerning construction of the Yumagusinsky water-reservoir 

  • (Republic of Bashkortostan) 
  • Annex 4: Anticipated Positive and Negative Results of the Construction of the Yumaguzinsky Water Reservoir (the Republic of Bashkortostan) after Assessment of its Impact on the Environment (text in black ink) and Additional Information 

  • and Comments by Greenpeace Russia 
    Page 1

    Annex 1: Chronology of the Yumaguzinsky Water Reservoir Construction. 
    (data and translation by Greenpeace Russia)

    The 80’s. The project of the Ishgutanovsky water reservoir construction on the middle Belaya River in Bashkiria was developed and the construction began. However, in 1989 this project received a negative verdict of the State Ecological Expertise and the construction of the reservoir was stopped. 

    August 1998. The Republic of Bashkortostan Government resumed the elaboration of a project for construction of a water reservoir on the middle Belaya River. 

    September 11, 1998. The Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan ruled: to prepare in the shortest possible time the project’s technical and economic grounds, the project and working layouts for the reservoir construction, to choose the general contractor, find financial resources for the activities of the preparation period and to start construction, beginning from the second quarter of 1999. 

    September 18, 1999. By the decision of the Bashkortostan Presidential commission the authorities, related to project and preparation activities, as well as their funding, were distributed among different organizations. 

    December 21, 1998. The resolution of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan „On Beginning of Construction of the Yumaguzinsk Water Reservoir on the Belaya River“: „to permit activities by some of the working layouts until the reservoir project is approved“, to permit payments for the equipment, purchased for the reservoir construction activities, to provide for costs of construction of temporary buildings and forest cuttings (on the territory of a National Park!); till January 1, 1999 (!) to carry out assessment of the environmental impact. 
    Besides: a) transformation of the National Park forest lands into non-forest was not completed (Reply Letter #??-347/217 from the Federal Forestry Service of the Russian Federation, dated 30.03.1999); b) the issue of a state ecological expertise was not at all considered, in spite of the fact that the obligatory state ecological expertise of such objects as the Yumaguzinsk Water Reservoir, must by all means be conducted on the federal level. 

    December 1998. The construction started along with the project exploration activities. 

    March 15, 1999. A council meeting at the office of the Head of the Reforestation and Specially Protected Territories Department of the Federal Forestry Service with participation of representatives from some Russian Ministries and State Committees (the Ministry of Agricultural Production, the Ministry of Economy, the State Land Committee, the State Committee for Fishery, the State Committee for Environmental Protection). The decision: the activities, related to construction of the Yumaguzinsky water reservoir on the territory of the „Bashkiria“ National Park, violates the existing legislation. 

    April 7, 1999. The State Committee for Environmental Protection issued the Order to suspend the activities, related to construction of the Yumaguzinsky water reservoir on the territory of the „Bashkiria“ National Park, of #03-21/25-125, until a positive conclusion of the State Ecological Expertise was received. The Order was not executed and the construction activities continued. 

    April 29, 1999. The Meleuzovkoye Regional Department for Ecological Security filled out a Deed on legislation observation under project exploratory and preparatory activities, related to the construction of the Yumaguzinsk water reservoir. The conclusion: the construction activities were carried out on a specially protected territory of the „Bashkiria“ National Park without a positive conclusion of the State Ecological Expertise, land allocation, which is a violation of the existing legislation of the Republic of Bashkortostan. 

    June 19, 1999. In a district center of the Burzyansky region the local population arranged a rally against the Yumaguzinsky water reservoir construction. 

    June 23, 1999. Resolution #180 of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan, permitted issuing of felling tickets for an area of 1,048 ha before transformation of the forest lands into non-forest. 

    July 4, 1999. A joint press conference of the State Committee for Environmental Protection and Greenpeace Russia in Moscow. The conference gave a negative feedback to the activities by the Bashkortostan Government, related to the construction of the Yunaguzinsky water reservoir. The Resolutions by the Bashkortostan Government and the construction activities were declared illegal. 

    August 17, 1999. Resolution #263 of the Bashkortostan Government „revised the borders of the „Bashkiria“ National Park“ and stated that „the activities, related to the construction of the Yumaguzinsky water reservoir, are carried on outside of the park’s borders“. Such a resolution is completely illegal, because all national parks are the Federal property and only the federal authorities can draw decisions on any changes in their borders. 

    August 18, 1999. Resolution #2 of the State Committee for Environmental Protection imposed a fine on the Director of the OOO „Yumaguzinskoye Water Reservoir“ Ltd. for failure to execute an Order of the Federal State Ecological Control Agencies to stop the reservoir construction. 

    August 18, 1999. The State Committee for Environmental Protection issued Order  #01-21/18-160 on suspension of financing of the activities, related to the construction of the Yumaguzinsky water reservoir. 

    September 9, 1999. A reply from the BashKreditBank about suspension of financing operations, connected to the OOO „Yumaguzinskoye Water Reservoir“ Ltd. 

    November 9-12, 1999. The General Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation checked the legal status of the Yumaguzinsky water reservoir construction. 

    The check discovered construction of roads, a temporary dormitory, a ready-mix (concrete) plant, preparation of the base for the dam body and construction of a tunnel for a bottom water outlet. The forest was cut up to the 253m landmark and at a 650m distance from the dam up the Belaya River. The forest was cut in the shore line (a water protection zone) 150-300m wide. In general, 200ha of forests had been cut with the total volume of hard wood being 12,691m3 and birch, aspen and alder – 27,776m3. The cuttings were carried out under felling tickets that had been issued in violation of the existing forest legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as breaking the felling ticket issuing procedure. The damage only from the cuttings reached by November 10-12 RUR38,385,580.8 (US$1,476,368.5)due to the fact that Resolution #263 of the Bashkortostan Government, dated August 17, 1999, transformes 1,156.6ha of the forest lands into non-forest, the total damage from the forest cuttings might go up to RUR221,791,885.9 (US$8,369,505.1). 

    Based on the violations that the check discovered, the following records were filled out: 

    November 10. An officer of the Bashkortostan Environmental Protection Prosecutor’s Office filled out a record of violations under the reservoir construction. 

    November 11. A record of the ecological violation for a failure to execute an Order of the Federal State Ecological Control Agencies to stop the reservoir construction. 

    November 12. A record of the ecological violation for realization of a subject to the State ecological expertise without a positive conclusion of the State ecological expertise of the federal level. The violation consists of the preparation of the base for the body of the Yumaguzinsky water reservoir dam and construction of a tunnel for a bottom water outlet. 

    November 1999. The General Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation considered the question of filing a lawsuit against the Yumaguzinsky ware reservoir construction. 
    The papers for the State ecological expertise to be carried out, have not been submitted. 

    Annex 2 : About the illegal construction of the water reservoir in the Republic of Bashkortostan supported by foreign capital
    (data and translation by Greenpeace Russia)

     From the Autumn of 1998 the government of the Republic Bashkortostan have come to a series of  illegal decisions and resolutions concerning construction of Yumagusinsky water reservoir on the Belaya river. The construction began in December, 1998 taking place within the territory of „Bashkiria“ National Park. Once the citizens of the Republic witnessed another reservoir construction at this very place, stopped by the State Environmental Protection Committee of the USSR. That time the water reservoir had been called „Ishtuganovsky“. 

    The history of construction of the water reservoir in the midstream of the Belaya river 
    In the 80ies the project of the Ishtuganovsky water reservoir had been prepared and construction begun. However, in 1989 the project received negative appraisal of the State Expertise (in accordance with the Russian legislation construction project of this scale must pass the ecological expertise).  After this the construction works were stopped. Reasons for giving the project negative appraisal were the following: 
    1) The project didn’t correspond to the main – ecological -  purpose, as one of the basic reasons for creating the Ishtuganovsky reservoir was to dilute waste water of plants and factories situated along the riverbanks 
    2) The construction process and flooding would sustain damage to natural and archeological monuments 
    3) The problem of water deficiency and the necessity of regulating the runnel (the calculation data) was inflated, and the regulating itself wouldn’t exercise function of the flood protection 
    4) The energisation of karst process, common at this territory, can lead to unpredictable consequences – earthquakes, dam breakthrough, water transfer into sinks, which would make it impossible to maintain the determined (necessary) water-level. 

    The new construction: Yumagusinsky water reservoir 
     In August,1998 the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan restored the project of construction of  water reservoir in the river Belaya midstream. The localization of the reserve was nearly the same, but the capacity and the area reduced, and also the name: it would be called „Yumagusinsky“. Exactly within the new project’ submersion territory lay habitats of the bird species listed in the Red Book of Russia, rare and endangered plant species, archeological monuments (sites and caves). 
     Realization of the present project will lead to destruction of natural, historical and cultural values pretending to be inscripted into the UNESCO World Heritage List. Natural complexes of the „Bashkiria“ National Park“ (category II according to IUCN classification) and the „Shulgan Tash“ nature reserve (category I) would be partially destroyed. Habitats of species listed in the Red Book of Russia, IUCN and the CITES-Convention would be destroyed (Appendix 1). The submersion territory is the Globally Important Bird Area ?208 ‘Ru. Very likely the water reservoir will affect the population’s health. 
     Of a particular danger are rocks that form the bed and the banks of the projected Yumagusinsky water reservoir. Mostly (for about 90%) they consist of limestone and dolomite – water-soluble rocks, that are divided by tectonic gaps. This means that the banks will be eroding rapidly, and the present caves will be enlarging first of all because of suffosion. This might result in: 1) flow of water from the Yumaguzinsk Water Reservoir to the Nugush valley with its Nugush water reservoir; 2) rockslides and earthquakes and, as a result, ruptures. It can lead to the rock-falling, crumbling earthquakes, and as a result, to reservoir break-through. Looking forward we can say that the Estimation of Ecological Effect (EEE) made in Spring, 1999 suppose hydrodynamic wreckage to be the most dangerous (and possible!) in case of break-through of the reservoir. In this case, in 26-29 hours the wave will reach the city of Sterlitamak and submerse 84 localities, including the city of Meleuz, Ishimbay, Salavat – the biggest European oil-extraction, oil-processing and chemical industry centres. 
     Resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan, concerning Yumagusinsky water reservoir, contain directions to begin construction process without any project, according to separate work-schemes, without passing State Ecological Expertise of the federal level (which is necessary according to the Russian legislation). 
          In accordance with Resolution the construction process have begun at the end of December, 1998 and continues till the present day without approved project and the positive estimation of Ecological Expertise of the federal level, violating the present Russian legislation. The construction takes place on the territory of the National Park, which also is a rude violation of the Russian legislation. 
    Many of the federal structures do not take the necessary measures to stop the illegal process. For instance, all the Russian National Parks are subordinate to the Federal Forest Service of Russia. Admitting the illegal way of workmanship, which take place at the territory of the „Bashkiria“ National Park, this organ takes no steps to protect lands of the Park and the logged forest. 
    The State Committee for Environmental Protection gave directions to suspend the construction process and for ceasing it’s financing. Despite this, the construction continues for the money of foreign creditors and investors. It is well known that in April, 1999 UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization) signed an agreement of a financing the Yumagusinsky reservoir. Until now UNIDO didn’t refuse from taking part in this project. 
    Unfortunately, we couldn’t find out what other organizations may give credits and invest the construction of the reservoir, and also support the Bashkortostan’ organizations that may be interested in the process. 

     For the last decades the Republic of Bashkortostan has become one of the most emergency-liable region in Russia. Some of the emergency situations of the last few years were connected with water-reservoir exploitation and karst-depressions. 
     For instance, in August, 7, 1994, there was a breakthrough at Tirlyansky water-reservoir on the tributary of the Belaya river (Beloretsky region). According to the official data, the overflow of 8.6 million cubic meters of water flooded 4 settlements. 29 men died, 786 were left homeless. Total damage exceeded 17.5 million dollars. 
     In 1997 karst-depressions in Auragusinsky and Karamaskalinsky regions of the Republic have brought damage exceeding 140 000 dollars. 

    Annex 3: Reference on violations of the present Russian legislation concerning construction of the Yumagusinsky water-reservoir (Republic of Bashkortostan)
    (data and translation by Greenpeace Russia)

    Land allocation, project-prospecting works conducting, water-reservoir construction roughly violate the present legislation of Russian Federation and the Republic of Bashkortostan. 
    By the present time the following laws are violated: 
     The Constitution of Russian Federation (§71) 
     Water Code of RF (§36) 
     Land Code of RSFSR (§90) 
     Forest Code of RF (§63, 65) 
     Federal law "On environmental protection" (§60, 63 item 3, 65, 70) 
     Federal law "On ecological expertise" (§9) 
     Federal law "On fauna protection" (§20, 24) 
     Ecological Code of the Republic of Bashkortostan (§62, 65 item 3) 
     Land Code of the Republic of Bashkortostan  (§32, 34, 107) 
               Forest Code of the Republic of Bashkortostan (§18) 
    Law of the Republic of Bashkortostan "On especially protected nature territories of the Republic of Bashkortostan " (§15 item 1,2) 
    Law of the Republic of Bashkortostan "On fauna protection" (§21) 
    Law of the Republic of Bashkortostan "On ecological safety of the Republic of Bashkortostan" (§13) 

    Violations of the following acts provide management and criminal responsibility: 

     Code of RSFSR "On management delinquency" (§165/9) 
     Federal law "On environmental protection" (§84) 
    Criminal Code of Russian Federation  (§246, 260 p.1, 262, 330) 

    1. The Belaya river defined area of water lays within the territory of the Republics of Bashkortostan and Tatarstan. According to Water Code of RF (§36) the surface water objects which pass the territories two or more subjects of Federation, are considered to be federal property. Management for federal property is done by the Government of Russian Federation. 
    The Federal law "On especially protected nature territories" (§15 item 1,2) notes that national parks apply exclusively to federal property objects. 
    According to the Constitution of Russian Federation (§71) federal state property and its management applies to Russian Federation. 
    The proper representative bodies never came to decision for construction of the reservoir. 
    Thus, decisions and decrees of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Water Code of the RF, the Federal law "On especially protected nature territories of the Republic of Bashkortostan ". 

    2. According to the Land Code of RSFSR (§90) territories of state nature reserves apply to nature reserve fund. 
    On the territory of nature reserves and national parks any activity, not connected with conservation and study of nature complexes, and not provided by Russian legislation, is prohibited. On other territories of the nature reserve fund the limited recreational and agricultural activity is permitted if according to the existing regime. 
    The „Bashkiria“ National Park regime doesn’t allow any project-prospecting works for reservoir construction, as long as such activity is not connected with preserving and studying of nature complexes, and also don’t match with National Park’ recreational and management activity. 

    3. According to Federal law "On environmental protection" (§60) and the Environmental Code of the Republic of Bashkortostan (Art.62) nature-reserve fund land withdrawal is prohibited. 
    According to Federal law "On environmental protection" (§63 item 3), Ecological Code of the Republic of Bashkortostan (§65 item 3), Law of the Republic of Bashkortostan "On especially protected nature territories of the Republic of Bashkortostan " (§15 item 1,2), any activity within the borders of National Parks, that contradicts the aims and tasks of National Park  organisation, and affects the environment, is prohibited. 
    According to the same Law (§15 item 2 b,c,e,f) any activity within the borders of National Parks, that can bring harm to nature complexes, any objects of flora and fauna, objects of historical and cultural significance and that contradicts the aims and tasks of National Park, is prohibited. This activity includes activity disturbing soil cover and geological exposures, changing the hydro-regime, also the road and electricity transmission lines construction, the construction and exploitation of management and dwelling structures which are not connected with the National Park functions, and also traffic and parking of mechanical transport abilities, which are not connected with the National Park functions. 
    The reservoir construction will lead to nature-reserve fund land withdrawal, and the project-prospecting works would bring harm to the environment, flora and fauna species included into „The Red Book of Russia“. 
    The project-prospecting works and the construction process contain indications to a crime, envisaged in the Criminal code of RF (§262). 

    4. According to the Federal Law "On especially protected nature territories " (§9), any activity within the borders of State Nature Reserve, that contradicts the aims of State Nature Reserve, and its special protection regime, stated in the Regulations of the State Nature Reserve, is prohibited. 
    Regulations of the State Nature Reserve prohibits changing of the territory hydro-regime, thus the reservoir construction is the violation of the Federal Law "On especially protected nature territories " (§9). 

    5. Under the Forest Code of the Republic of Bashkortostan (Art.18) and the Forest Code of the Russian Federation (Art.65), allocation of sites for construction of enterprises, buildings and other objects that can influence the state and reproduction of forests, should be based on conclusions of the state ecological expertise. 
    According to the Federal law "On ecological expertise" (§11) any documentation for changing the functional status and also the form character of land of the federal level use, including transfer of forest 1 group lands into non-forest for reasons not connected with forestry management, should obligatory pass the State Ecological Expertise on the level of RF. 
    According to the Federal law "On ecological expertise" (§12), any normative legal act drafts, which can lead to affecting of the environment, should obligatory pass the State Ecological Expertise. 
    The Ministry Cabinet of the Republic of Bashkortostan Decree on beginning of the project-prospecting works within the borders of „Bashkiria“ National Park, which is federal property and related to Russian Federation, has not pass the State Ecological Expertise of federal level. 
    The decisions and resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan contradict the Republic of Bashkortostan Law “On Ecological Safety of the Republic of Bashkortostan”. Article 13 of this Law says that the state and regional authorities and their officers cannot draw and implement decisions that permit economic and other activities, directly of indirectly influencing environment, without a positive conclusion of the state ecological expertise, as well as without a license (permit) for such activities, issued in the appropriate order. 

    6. According to the Federal law "On environmental protection" and the Federal law "On ecological expertise" any Technical Economical Basis and construction project of any structure which can affect the environment , should pass the Ecological Expertise. Same laws prohibit any project realization without positive conclusion of the State Ecological Expertise. 
    In the case of the water-reservoir construction on the Belaya river the positive conclusion of the State Ecological Expertise is necessary. But at the present time the neither the project, nor the Technical Economical Basis has received the positive conclusion of the State Ecological Expertise. Nevertheless, the works are being carried out at present time. A considerable detriment has already been done, which fall under the criminal affair according to Criminal code of RF (§246, 260 p.1). 
    Despite this, Ministry Cabinet of the Republic of Bashkortostan Decree dated 11.09.98 #190, Ministry Cabinet of the Republic of Bashkortostan Order dated 01.10.98 #5-40p and Ministry Cabinet of the Republic of Bashkortostan Decree dated 21.12.98 #293 order to begin realization, financing and crediting the State Ecological Expertise object without  receiving the positive conclusion. These violations are envisaged in the Federal law "On ecological expertise" (§30) and are subjected to cancellation. 

    7. According to Forest Code of RF (§63), transfer of forest 1 group lands into non-forest for reasons not connected with forestry management, forest fund use, and/or withdrawal of forest lands, if related to 1 group forests, is fulfilled by the Government of Russian Federation. Forests of National Parks and riverside forests relate to 1 group forests. 
    The reservoir construction will require withdrawal of 1 group forest lands, and the Government of Russian Federation hasn’t come to such decision. Thus the above activity contradict the Forest Code of RF. 
    Under the Land Code of the Republic of Bashkortostan (Art.32, 34) the removal of lands, covered by the first group forests, can be allowed only in some cases and for the purposes, connected to implementation of international commitments, when some valuable natural resources are discovered under a plot, as well as in cases of road, power line and main pipeline construction. There no other cases when the Republican legislation can allow removal of lands, covered by first group forests. Besides, Article 107 of the same Law prohibits any activities on lands, valuable from the point of view of environmental protection, if these activities contradict the target allocation of these lands. 

    8. According to the Federal law "On fauna protection" (§20) and the Republic of Bashkortostan Law “On Animal World” (Art.21) the State Ecological Expertise is the necessary measure for protection of fauna. It is fulfilled according to the legislation of Russian Federation and precedes coming to any decisions, which can influence fauna and its areals. 
    According to the Federal law "On fauna protection" (§24) any activity which can lead to death, population reduction or areal impact of fauna species included into „The Red Books“, is not permitted. 
    According to the Federal law "On environmental protection" (§65) using species of flora and fauna included into „The Red Books, is not permitted. Also any activity which can lead to population reduction or areal impact of species included into „The Red Books“, is prohibited. 
    The State Ecological Expertise had not preceded the Ministry Cabinet of the Republic of Bashkortostan Order dated 01.10.98 #5-40p and Ministry Cabinet of the Republic of Bashkortostan Decree dated 21.12.98 #293. The project-prospecting works and the reservoir construction lead to population reduction and areal impact of fauna species included into „The Red Book of Russia“. Thus, the above activity contradicts the Federal law "On fauna protection". 

    9. In connection with large amount of violations of the present legislation, the Vice-Head of the Major State Inspector of RF for Environmental Protection, the Vice-Head of the State Committee for Ecology of RF, A.M. Amirkhanov gave Order #03-21/25-125, demanding the Chief-Contractor of OAO „Yumagusinsky water-reservoir“ to hold up any activity connected with the Yumagusinsky water-reservoir construction and contradicting the aims of „Bashkiria“ National Park until receiving the positive conclusion of The State Ecological Expertise of federal level. 
    According to § 70 of the Federal law "On environmental protection", orders of official functionaries of the state ecological control should be executed compulsory by any natural or juridical person. 
    Nevertheless, the construction process continues, and OAO „Yumagusinsky water-reservoir“ gave no answer to the Order. 
    The Federal law "On environmental protection" (§84) and the Code of RSFSR "On management delinquency" (§165/9) envisage responsibility for violation of the above orders. Moreover, in connection with obvious damage making, the above activity contain indications to a crime, envisaged in the Criminal code of RF (§330). 
     Annex 4: Anticipated Positive and Negative Results of the Construction of the Yumaguzinsky Water Reservoir (the Republic of Bashkortostan) after Assessment of its Impact on the Environment (text in black ink) and Additional Information 
    and Comments by Greenpeace Russia (bold italic text). 

    Annex 4: Pros and Conts of the Construction of the Yumaguzinsky Water Reservoir (the Republic of Bashkortostan) after Assessment of its Impact on the Environment (text in black ink) and Additional Information 
    and Comments by Greenpeace Russia
    (data and translation by Greenpeace Russia)
    Alleged Pros Greenpeaces` Arguments Contra
    The reservoir liquidates the annual underflooding of about 5,040ha, including: 
    - Salavat – 1,240ha 
    - Sterlitamak – 2,400ha 
    - Ishimbai – 1,400ha
    4,300ha will be flooded, including: 
    - 320ha of ploughland 
    - 850ha of hayfields (low hay yield of not more than 10 centners per ha 
    - 760ha of pastures (not more than 15 centners) 
    - 23 70ha of forests 
    The water deficit problem will be solved (115 million m3 a year). This problem hinders the economic development of the region Neither the population nor the industry has any water deficit and is not going to have in the near future. In such a situation no one seems to consider the ways of sewage treatment and recycling of water in the systems of industrial water supply, or alternative variants of water supply in the low water period.
    Cheap electric energy According to the official data, by January 1, 1999 the Republic of Bashkortostan had Russia’s tenth place in the lowest prices for electric energy (Russia consists of 89 regions). Besides, some alternative electric energy sources are to be introduced in the Republic of Bashkortostan. According to the official information, for example, several wind power plants are to be put into operation in Bashkortostan. Their single unit power will reportedly reach 100-600 kW/h.
    The impact of the reservoir on the quality of surface and underground waters will be negligible due to their similarity.
    The flooding will cover the habitats of 27 plant species, inscribed into the Red Book of the Republic of Bashkortostan and two of them will disappear completely.

    The populations of three plant species, included into the Red Book of the Russian Federation, will disappear under water. More than 60 species whose populations will be in the flood zone, are on the list of rare plant species of the Urals, six of them being endemic.

    The populations of bleak, crucian carp and tench will significantly increase The populations of grayling and salmon trout. From a report of the „Shulgan-Tash" natural reserve about the impact of the Yumaguzinsky water reservoir on environment: „The habitats of the most valuable and rare fish species (salmon trout, grayling, trout, sculpin) will be destroyed. Sculpin is threatened by the full extermination. The dam construction will make bream and undermouth migration impossible.
    - all the invertebrates, living in the soil and in the roots, will die
    - the areas where several couples of rare birds have their nests will be flooded (152)
    - some amphibia, reptiles and small mammals will also die
    - habitats of large mammals will be destroyed.
    The water reservoir is not situated in the zone of a constant air pollution of the nearest cities. So, in spite of a small distance from industrial enterprises, the water reservoir can become a very good recreation area. The human impact on the territory of the National Park will be several times higher, which will result in a situation when after the flooding some unique ecosystems and populations of rare bird species will be on the verge of extinction.
    26 caves will be flooded, including 13 caves that used to be inhabited (5 of the have been examined) and that now are very valuable from the historic point of view. 60 historic sites will also be flooded.

    From a report of the „Shulgan-Tash" natural reserve on the impact of the Yumaguzinsky water reservoir on environment: „The karst caves for 7 bat species, 3 of which are included into the Bashkortostan Red Book, will decrease by 20%. Due to a higher level of underground waters the flow through the unique Katuk-Sumgansky cave complex will increase that might have some unpredictable consequences".

    Under the reserve construction 250,000m3 of timber will be processed. Some unique broadleaf forests that still exist in Europe on the Eastern border of their modern distribution, will be cut. In these forests the wild hive beekeeping is a traditional home industry in Bashkortostan. This kind of wild bee breeding still exists only in Bashkortostan.

    The damage only from the cuttings reached by November 10-12 RUR38,385,580.8 (US$1,476,368.5)due to the fact that Resolution #263 of the Bashkortostan Government, dated August 17, 1999, transformes 1,156.6ha of the forest lands into non-forest, the total damage from the forest cuttings might go up to RUR221,791,885.9 (US$8,369,505.1).

    The reserve construction might pollute environment by:
    - machinery (oils, batteries, lubricants, and etc);
    - welding (carbide slime, remains of electrodes)
    The soil erosion will be insignificant, besides, the rate of bank washing out by the Belaya River will become lower. Taking into account the fact that the bedrock that the shores of the future water reservoir consist of, is mostly limestone and dolomite (water-soluble), the level of the banks washing out will probably be rather high.
    A wonderful recreation complex with significant capacities. There will be a necessity of money allocation for environmental protection measures and the costs will be constantly growing.

    A significant part of places of attraction and recreation will be lost (caves, mountain landscapes, routes for water tourism).

    New jobs will be created at the recreation complex, integrated hydroscheme, and for environmental protection measures
    There will be a necessity to develop a complex of environmental protection measures, aimed at soothing the negative impact of the reservoir construction on environment:
    - damage minimization under the reservoir construction;
    - reliable performance of the integrated hydroscheme;
    - conservation of biodiversity;
    - improvement of the population’s living conditions;
    - a necessity of ecological monitoring;
    - development of a list of ecological restrictions;
    - sanitary safety.
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