NEWS from the Volga River Basin and other russian Rivers Basin 

Pressreleases / Communiqués / Pressemitteilungen 
(all in original language, en langue originale, in Originalsprache):


Text :

Mail 12.10.00

Hi, Roberto! This is Fedor with another portion of the news from the Russian Rivers Network in the "Bereginia" newspaper No.(93) 10 of October 2000. HOW MANY MINUTES BEFORE THE DISASTER WE HAVE? After the creation of Kuybyshev water reservoir near the villge of Kamskoye Ust'e the river had washed away about 100 m of the bank.On the Volga river this situation is observed everywhere and makes a very gloomy perspective.Here the situation is aggravated by the fact, that the water comes close to the huge reservoirs with the petrol products, constructed at the beginning of the last century. THe old people of the village say, that since the time of filling of the water reservoir sevral streets of the village had slid down in- to the river since 1956. Every year here the banks are being destro- yed, as well, as the houses on them. Despite the assertions about the situation that will stabilize in time it actually only gets worse and worse. It is hard yet to say when the slides will reach the reservoirs, but sooner or later it will happen. Reinforcement of the banks with the concrete blocks is a very costly excersise , which is also not ef- fective, because they could also destroy and slide into the water. This type of disorder have been going on for decades, and nobody seems to care , including the energy producton people, who regulate the wa- ter level by passing the water through the dams. If no measures are taken we will be witnesses of another man-made environmental disaster. What other arguments are needed to counter the views of those who lobby the necessity of dam construction on flat rivers? Vadim Marfin, Kazan' LIVING KNOWLEGE ABOUT LIVING VOLGA For ten years in a row young activists from the creative associa- tion "Zuid-West" have been organizing and implementing expeditions along the Volga river, examinig 120 km of the river length annually. This year they travelled from Vasylsursk in Nizhni Novgorod province till Cheboksary. We met one of the leaders of the expedition V.A. Mu- zalev, the chief of the department in the educational center No.109 of Moscow, where "Zuid-West" association is a part. - How children in the ordinary schools are tought? - asked Vladi- mir Anatolievich. They use a black board, a chalk and textbooks. The majority gets dull and want to leave the classes , as soon, as possib- le. We , from our side want to give live knowledge during such expedi- tions, when romantisism intervens with the study of hystory, culture, environmental education, botanics, biology. For the children it is ve- ry interesting to move in the sail boat and to eat food made on the camp fire. And we say, that first look around, draw pictures, describe what you see, learn from the local population folk legend or a tale. They first feel reluctant to work on vacations, but further on get in- terested. The children start to understand interconnections between various sciences and in the end everything, that happenes in the soci- ety and nature. The Volga could be studied all life long , relaying the task from generation to generation. We continuously accumulate new experience : ask the older generation, take water samples, carry out bothanical, bio- logical and other researches. For 10 years we have travelled from Tver' to Cheboksary. We entered just every tributary... If the wind is fair the boats could develop the speed of 15 km/per hour under the sa- il. We break the route into the portions of 20 km per a day so as not only to observe the surrounding landscape, but to carry out scientific researches. Question: I understand, that special skills are necessary to ma- neuver boats and to make resaerches... -We collect children from 5-th or 6-th forms. Two years they learn to handle the boat, to work with the sail, to raw. Only the third year students are allowed to examine the Volga in big expeditions. They are well trained in all respects. Out of 40 recruites only 12 stay with us in the end. But those children who are the most trained and motivated do not want to leave the club. That is why after three years studies they work, as team leaders and head expeditions in Tver' province. Also they make reconnaissance of the "field of operation" for the next year. This year the major team travelled from Vasilsursk to Cheboksary and the reconnaissance team for the expedition of 2001 travelled from Kazan' to Cheboksary. They found good places for the stands, beautiful sites , got friendly with the local people. Question: It takes really talented people to do such work... - One of them is a water ecologist , candidate of biological sci- ences of internal waters of the Russian Academy of Sciences. His name is Alexander Krylov and he is a good teacher and educator of the popu- lation. Under his guidance the children take water samples, biota and make hydrological researches. This year we involved in our work Viktor Zakonnov, who works in the same institute and is an expert in bottom sediments. During the expedition Mr. Zakonnov made mapping of the bot- tom ground of Cheboksary water reservoir, which should be carried out every 10 years. Here the expedition helped the institute to do its re- gular work and the expert cause much interest on the side of children. Question: What is the most special feature of your expedition? The main stress was made for the ethnography. Mari-El republic is the same ,as Africa. The ways , the folklore, the habits , are very special and unique here in the republic. The most amazing was, that the Mari people do not forget their ancient arts, like making canoes of a whole wood trunk. Those boats are well operated at the Volga ri- ver even now, and sometimes show better characertistics, than modern ships. This art is thousands of years old. Mari peop- le use the same tools, as their ancestors. But to our regret the real specialists are getting rare now. We met only a dozen of people in Mo- untainous - Mari district, who remember the know-how of their grand- fathers. Quite unexpectedly , near Koz'modemiansk we met the participants of the expedition of Mari Institute of Archeology, which is headed by Valery and Tatiana Nikitin. For 27 years already they involve children in archelogical excavations. The archeologists are examining a medieval town of Mari people. It occupied a large area in a beautiful place : a mountain, and steep slopes on the three sides 72 m high. There remained the moat and the rampart. From the top the view is simply magnificent, if you do not know, that after the construction of Cheboksarskoye water reservoir there was created a huge lake, which united several lakes into one, and this water surface is a ordinary bog now, where the depth of water is knee high only and the water blooms. Question: And how is the environmental situation with Cheboksars- koye water reservoir now? -The fishermen from Yurino villge said, that the fish population is decreasing. This is no wonder for all. There is a lot of sludge on the bottom and it coveres all the feeding places of the fish. The fish escapes into the cleaner tributaries and in Mari fishery area the fish catch is practically zero. Now about the raising of the level of the water reservoir - the fishermen are sure that no raising will be done. The reason is, that even now the water level there is maximal, and no more space to raise. During the flooding period water surpasses all the limits already. The dyke in Yurino is in a very bad condition. The system of emergency pumps does not operate. If they raise the level Yurino will be no mo- re... By the journalist Svetlana Proshel'tseva. WORK AND CELEBRATION In Nizhni Novgorod and other places of Russia after river bank cle- an-ups they organized celebrations, concerts, dances. Many children youths participate in the clean-ups. DUMP AND TREASURE FIELD ON THE RIVER BED. In the Volga river in Nizhni Novgorod they started to take out metal scrap and old submurged ships from the river to be recycled. The works were funded by the Ecological fund of Nizhni Novgorod pro- vince. SAVING THE BLACK DRAGON Intergovernmental nature conservation relations with Chinese Pe- oples Republic in Amur river basin. The hystory of intergovernmental nature conservation relations- hips with the Chinese People's Republic in the basin of Amur river reflects all the stages of the existance of USSR and CPR and also the modern period after 1991 - the period of transfer of the Soviet Union' resposibilities for China to Russia, as well, as bilateral contacts in the environmental protection sphere. It is well known, that Amur river basin ( the Chinese name of Amur is Black Dragon) possesses natural unique characteristics, which not only provide for fulfillment of socio-economic tasks of Amur ter- ritories, but which are also of high value for the whole world. First scientific contacts of the two countries in the basin were fulfilled in the sphere of the study of fishery resources, geological prospects and also navigation safety on Amur, Ussury and Sungary. Serious mutually profitable relations of the Parties involve coo- peration in the sphere of hydrological and meteorological provision for the economies of the two bordering territories. At the end of 1990 ties China and the USSR started joint develop- ment of the "System of the joint use of the water resources of the ri- vers Amur and Argun' " . The signing of this agreemnent is yet to come. The protection of the ecosystem of Amur river basin is a compli- cated and sometimes problematic question. Its implementation depends on many factors: these are economic resources of the region and the country , social readiness of the population for the implementati- on of environmental tasks, interest of the government not to work for the short-term political goals ,but for the long-term work for geting out of the environmental crisis, and also international support for the most significant environmental projects. In Amur river basin the international environmental cooperation with the Chinese side started to be actively implemented in 1989 after the establishment of the new period of good neighbour cooperation with the Chines Peoples Republic. The cooperation of the whole range gover- nemtal and non-governmental organizations and agencies both political and scientific , as well , as administrative made it possible to es- tablish working relations for many socio-economic issues... ...In 1999 it was possible thanks to the efforts of the public regional committee for protection of the Volga river and "KEDR" party to participate and support the movement: "Russian Rivers Network" in Nizhni Novgorod. The network is based on basin principle. One of the directions of the movement is stage by stage steady soluti- on of transboundery environmental problems. A workshop in Khabarovsk in September this year for the basin , where the coordinator of this movement from Nizhni Novgorod participated even more enhanced the sig- nificance of the citizen's actions on both sides for the real improve- ment of environmental situation at Amur, Ussury, Sungary and other ri- vers of the basin. All this made it possible to implement the major and first prio- rity task of physical involvement of the Chinese side to nature con- servation cooperation at the territory of Amur basin. THe efforts at this stage are to be focused on the Agreement between the Administra- tion of Khabarovsk province and the Peoples Government of Heiluntszian province on the environmental protection measures from the year 2000 till 2005. Under this situation it is seen that the instrument for the imp- lementation of the Agreement may be the Bureau for international pro- jects of the Department of Natural Resources of Khabarovsk Krai, which is funded from bugetary and non-budgetary sources. The mechanism of the cooperation must at this preserve accessible international experi- ence : meetings, conferences, communication , joint actions in coope- ration with Russian Rivers Network, examinations, expeditions and dec- larations. All this could serve ,as a model for the creation by the both sides of the legislative base for the cooperation and drawing the attention of the international public in the shape of the UN Conventi- on "On the protection of Amur river basin ecosystem". If we start wor- king effectively in this direction we are bound for success. Victor Saikov KEDR party council memeber "Amur" program coordinator. --

MAIL 29.09.00

Hi, Roberto! This is Fedor with another portion of rivers and lakes-relating news. This information was taken from AVE-Info bulletin 6(65),June 2000. Translation of Fedor Krylov "Let's help the river". Water Resources. The mistery of Svetloyar. In the vicinity of Vladimirskoye village of Voskresensky district in Nizhni Novgorod province there is located Svetloyar lake. It is unique and the most clean and clear. A lot of legends is connected with the lake. For more, than 300 years already it has been attracting pilgrims like a magnet. A beautiful legend anbout the town of Kitezh is connected with it. But the origin of the lake is still a mistery. Alexey Kiselev an emloyee of the department of astronomy of Nizhni Novgorod pedagogical University and his colleagues are trying to find an answer to it. Between the rivers of Kerzhenets and Vetluga there are a lot of small rivers and creeks and in the plains among the forests there are a lot of lakes. However all those lakes are shallow, bog-like and are covered by reeds and algae. Svetloyar lake is different. The water in the lake is crystal-clear. It does not contain addmixtures and they say, that it heals various wounds. The surface of not covered with duckreeds and bulrush which is uncommon for the lake flora. It is also amazing, that river crawfishes live in the lake. In last September Alexey Kiselev headed an expedition to Svetlo- yar lake. A working hyposesis was put foreward about meteorite origin of the lake and found several peculiarities of the lake, which support the hypothesis. About the truth of this hypothesis speaks the ratio between the depth of the bowl and the diameter of the lake, which is 500 m. This is characteristic for complex meteorite craters. The slope of the bank has the shape of terraces: steep declination-underwater terrace, anot- her steep declination - again a terrace - then a slope - deep water bowl. This could be explained by the fact, that during explosion in the various layers of rocks, which differ in thickness and nature the craters of different diamers are formed. In thicker rocks for, example , the craters of smaller diameter are formed. The looser layers (sandstone) are usulally at the surface, the thicker layers (red clays) - the deepest and the most ancient. The rocks of the bankhills are located by: horizontal layers: at the base the sandstone, ontop the clays. The bottom of the lake is formed by red-brown clays of Perm geological period with iron inclusions, i.e. from the same matter, as the upper part of the hills. Such location of the rocks and clay , when the most ancient layers locate at the surfa- ce are observed during meteorite impacts. It is significant, that the appearance of such clays at the surface is not observed anywhere bet- ween the rivers of Vetluga and Kerzhents. The workers of the expedition found the stones, which are formed by the alloy of the sandstone- the impactites. The origin of the im- pactites could be only explained by the consequences of the meteorite explosion. By this it could be also explained why the water in the la- ke is so clean: the exploded underlayer rocks were scattered and ope- ned was the communication with the underground water layers. The soft rocks serve as a natural filter. And finally: on the basis of the wood fragments, found by the participants of the previous expedition by "Literaturnaya newspaper" in 1969-1971 the experts first came to the conclusion, that the shape of the wood suggested, that they were the products of human activiti- es, may be of the inhabitants of the town of Kitezh, that went under water, like Atlantis. Alexey Kiselev says, that such fragments could be formed by the shock wave from the meteorite explosion. This is not romantic of course, but may be closer to the truth? Why the norms were elevated? In Vyborg ( a town near Saint-Petersburg) several years ago they started implementation of the municipal program on installation of wa- ter-meters, including individual ones. Due to lack of resources the program was discontinued. The data obtained showed that an average fa- mily consumes less water, that the established norms. With the norm of 220 liters per capita, the real figures are from 90 till 160 liters per capita. The reasonable questions arise: why and who wins by eleva- ting the norms of water consumption and why the program was disconti- nued? May be because the real result did not correspond to the fore- casted one? AVE-Info. AVE-Info 7(66) Water resources The Nature is Alive Thanks to Water- -this is the understanding of the Greens of Moscow province. The nature of Moscow province suffered great changes during the last one hundred and fifty years: during this time half of the springs and a big number of small rivers have decreased by 25 percent. The total length of rivers in the area of East-European plain decreased by 15 per- cent and in the stepp zone- by 45 percent. In most cases this was cau- sed by the change in the kind of woods and by incorrect woodfelling practices. At the open forest-free lands the water from melted snow washes off quickly and in huge volumes. The forests keep it by tranferring it underground and store it till the summer needs. The old-age forests , especially oak and basswood with a strong root system, perform this function better, than the young coniferous (they make more, than 40% of trees in Moscow province). At the forest-free areas the melted snow waters wash-off the soil and dig ravines. All this do harm to the vegetation and destroy the landscape structure. If some creek disappeared-it means, that something was changed in the nature, a bog was dryed-up , so some river will lose the same vo- lume of water. Here goes one example. River Lelukh - a tributary of Klyaz'ma river - it takes source from a lake almost covered by weeds, passes through a bog and takes in water. The bog was dried up (a local collective farm needed new lands), so the river disappeared. In fact it restarted 10-12 km down stream in the area of underground source. Sanitary and epidemiological agencies, and environmental protec- tion bodies monitor the drinking water quality, the condition of water objects, the discharges from the plants and farms. They do not pay at- tention to the creeks and streams - the sources of small rivers. The citizens' organizations and activists help them. They make tourist stands, the fire places, cleaned the pathes of the rivers Se- verka, Lopasnia, Rozhai, in Domodedovski district, Neznaiki in Odint- sovski district and Chavlinki in Chekhovski district. Moscow provicial NGO "Istritsa" under ROLL/USAID project started to revive the creeks and sources of small rivers in the basins of Istra river, which is the source of drinking water for Moscow. The first results of the research brought about unexpected re- sults. Juging from the information of the old people it was possible to localize the places of the creeks, which disappeared for recent 50 years. The number of such spots was more, than 10. "Istritsa" NGO stepped up with the initiative of restoration of the forgotten and "buried" sources of small and big rivers. If activists erect a pole with the name of a small creek and make the place look nice , and do regular monitoring - be sure the creek will revive and local people will feel resposible for it and take care about it. --------------------------------------- Tourist, be polite to Nature! A unique river Msta, in Novgorod province (the North-West of Rus- sia) has been attracting tourists, sportsmen and picknikers like a magnet. After them they leave unimaginable quantity of empty boxes, follen trees and camp fire places. So as to protect this nice area a coalition was organized in the beginning of this Summer. The coalition "Mountainous Msta-2000" inclu- ded Novgorod club "Ecologia", scout club "Spring", NGO "Mountainous Msta", school association "Small Spring", and a school association "Hope" as well , as a businessman V. Glezdunov. The information was provided by Novgorod club "Ecologia". For ten days more, than one thousand and a half tourists visited the Opechinski rapids of the mountainous part of Msta. The activist guards counted 474 tents, 142 cars and 175 fire places. This year here they organized 55-th Russian canoe competions among juniors. It is about 400 participants. Thanks to the input of Vladimir Glezdunov tourists did not need to cut trees for fuel. He provided about 14 truck loads of fire wood, as well, as the toilets , the garbage containers (the environmenta- lists took away about 3 truck loads of garbage). The dry toilets of classic Russian style were relocated several times due to fill-up. What about tourists? They were grateful for the conveniences and were happy, that the artificial rapids in the river was removed. (The rapids was the cause for the destruction of many boats and injuries). The majority of tourists were not against a modest fee of 10 roubles (40 cents) for the maintenance of the area in the condition close to natural. At the opening of the next season the activists proposed to hold a festival. The coalition will be preserved, because the members of the coalition in the course of work and struggle became very good fri- ends. The experiment is over. The main result is that the people un- derstood, that the river Msta has friends who take responsibility for it. AVE-Info ---------------------------------- The third water tap. In Yekaterinburg in the house No.59 street of Blukher, in 48 flats out of 76 appeared an unusual third tap. Now the tenants can get really clean water in necessary volumes. One liter costs 40 kopecks (1 cent). Thus on under the contract with the government of Sverdlovsk pro- vince they implement in Yekaterinburg the introduction of "Experimen- tal system of drinking water supply for the population of several blocks of flats". The system was designed and developed in the Russian R@D Institute of complex use of water resources. According to the experts the basic cause of water pollution is the piping. That is why the station of final purification will be lo- cated in the immediate vicinity from the consumer - in the house it- self. The individual filter will be selected only by an expert (compo- sition and quality of water differs in various districts in Yekaterin- burg). If all the factors are not taken into consideration the filter may work , as a source of pollution. Under the project the operation of the collective filter ajusted for a specific composition of water will be monitored by special operators. These collective filters will serve for all the tenants of the block of flats. The water is supplied to the tap in the specific flat through a special system, the volume is registered by a meter. The service is optional. The project in Yekatrinburg - is the first attempt to introduce the system of alternative water supply in ordinary houses. It gives a possibility to drink high quality water even for consumer with a mo- dest income. The economy experts calculated, that the project (inclu- ding installation of meters and piping) will be repayed for 2-2.5 years. This experience was of interest for the businessmen from other cities too. Ol'ga Podosenova AVE-Info. ------------------------ Let's change filters? At the water intake of Kazan' city in Republic of Tatarstan they implemented industrial testing of a new sorbent filter material "LIT" de- signed for water purification. The financial resources for the "birth" of this material were provided through assistance of the Ecological Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan and of the Volga Water Intake en- terprise "Vodokanal" (Kazan'), State committee of epidemiological su- pervision and Ministry of Environmental protection and natural resour- ces of Tatarstan and of course the design and development firm "LITOS". The material for the filter is produced by wasteless and flexible technology. Alongside with this material they produce on the basis of local mineral raw material a big range of produce for agriculture, ro- ad building, civil engineering , chemical and gas-processing industri- es. During testing of the material in the filters of purification fa- cilities the silica sand was replaced by "LIT". The results showed, that the new material is thoroughly effective. Thus, during the floo- ding , when they register elevated content of harmful substances in the water this material made it possible to completely eliminate bad smell and the traces of poisonous chemicles (2,4-dexoclorcyclohexane, "decis"), in comparison with the silica sand filters better results were achieved for zink - 2 times, nickel - 1.3 decrease, phenol -2.2, iron-3.9, petrol products - 4.7 times. The use of "LIT" does not require reconstruction of the existing water purification facilities or changing the projected water purification technologies. At the same time the purification capacity of the water treatment faclities has increased by 40% due to a higher filtration rate meaning the economy in the funds of of the budget, ot- herwise directed at the increse of capacity of the old purufucation facilities and construction of the new ones. AVE-Info. Sincerely, Fedor.



Mail 11.09.00

Hi, Roberto and other friends! Here go articles from another issue of "Bereginia" newspaper, No.9 of the year 2000. Articles relating to rivers and lakes of the Russian Federation. Thinking Roberto Epple, the president of European Rivers Network speaks about dismantling of a dam on Loire river (France). Listening to him are river-activists who came to his think-camp from various parts of Europe. Nizhni Novgorod delegates Elena Kolpakova (the coordinator of the Volga river movement "Let's help the river" and of the Russian Ri- vers Network, and a well-known river cleaner Fedor Krylov also were thinking on Loire river. About what were they thinking? About the fact, that ERN was preparing for the dismantling of a dam on Loire ri- ver more, than 10 years. They organized disobedience actions, occupied dam construction sites , population awareness and propaganda campa- igns. And finally they reached the goal, the dam was blown up. The workshop on Loire river demonstrated to us, that the Russian Rivers Network activists should learn from ERN to be patient and flexible. -------------------------------------------------- From the page :"News of the Russian Rivers Network Conscience of Russia August 27, 2000 for the second time the activists selebrated the annual festival "Day of Baikal". Baikal is the deepest, the oldest and the cleanest lake in the world. The hystory of industrial construction near this unique lake and fight for saving of Baikal is an extended in time ecological drama , which is well known all over Russia. Ever de- veloping harmful environmental consequences to which no remedy was fo- und, old problems which date back to 1960-ties years , vilolated har- mony: these are the heritage of nature conquest. What should be done now about it? For all this time of week and unsuccessful protest of the public against irresposible decision-making a major threat emerged that the pe- ople will get used to the situation, threat of indifferent observation of evil deeds against clean and beautiful Baikal. These violations are being committed by the industry, authorities and common people too. In 1997 after Baikal was included by UNESCO into the list of the World Natural Heritage objects the green activists of Baikal region decided to hold a festival, which could help to draw attention to the problems of Baikal, sensibilize people and mobilized them to collabo- ratively solve those problems. We needed a festival for which people get prepared all year long. There was a strong understanding, that the region should have its popular festival devoted to the unique lake on the Planet. This festival finally was organized in 1999 - the citizens' ini- tiative was supported by the supreme bodies of the districts of Baikal region (Duma of Irkutsk province, Duma of Chita province, the peoples' khural of Buriatia republic and by the Duma of Ust'-Ordynsky and Buri- atsky autonomous district). In Irkutsk occurred founding and the first celebration of the Day of Baikal, which was decided to mark every fo- urth Sunday in August. At the same day opened was Baikal film festival "Man and Nature". Many organizations from many places sent their cong- ratulations for this festival to us. One of the famous defenders of Baikal Mr. Glazia wrote that: ... This timely patriotic initiative goes far beyond the banks of Baikal and has not only Russian, but worldwide significance. Baikal is the "All-Mankind Well" from which people take not only material reso- urces - drinking water of unique quality, but also the spiritual we- alth. Baikal is the conscience of Russia. This year the celebrations were organized for Baikal in Ulan-Ude and Irkutsk. For more inforamtion ---------------------------------------------------------- Selenga, Ob' which is next? The Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia is making plans on deltas of major Russian rivers. Near Baikal a new regional project is being deployed on oil and gas prospecting in the delta of river Selenga the major tributary to Baikal lake. The works are being planned at the territory of Baikal section of which is included into the list of UNESCO Heritage . It is close to the nature reserve "Kabansky", being the only natural ob- ject in the Republic of Buryatia included into Ramsar Convention on wetlands. We were too optimistic about the degree of Baikal protection and did not take seriously the information in Mass Media about petrol and gas found in the delta of Selenga river, because we regarded the plans of some of our geologists to be too absurd. The catalist to such regi- onal initiatives served the resolution of the Ministry of Natural Re- sources of Russia from 24.06.98 No.10-1 where it was acknowledged, as one of the major tasks to organise preplanned works for strengthening of raw materials basis in new promising territories and water areas. The money are to be taken from the local budgets. After this document became valid the local gas prospecting companies intensified their work. The project was included into the republican program on natural resources replenishment . In Moscow the leader of the program received O.K. but no funds was allotted from the federal budget. If the project is started successfully the experience could be replicated to other regions and rivers. We propose to "Let's help the river" and other interested groups to join efforts in the information campaign to stop those plans. We are planning to open a section "Oil Prospecting at Baikal" in the site of our organization ( S.G. Shapakhayev Buryat Regional Baikal Association. ---------------------------------------------------------- Black back herring will be no more? The fish-experts from the laboratory of passing fish from the Institute of Fishery of Caspean Sea Area have registered a uniquely low spawning population of black-back herring ("zalom") ever while obser ving the Volgograd dam processes. The spawning passage numbers of the fish in the dam zone of Volzhskaya HPS was negligible. At the peak of spawning passage - in the first decade of June- during the check catches at Volgograd portion of Low Volga only single black back herrings were registered. In previous years there were tho- usands of them. What happened? The first hyposesis of the scientists was fluctuations of the spawning population. It is justified because the generations of this kind of herrings differ in numbers one from another . But why such drastic changes never occurred before? The ba- sis of the current spawning population were the fishes of 5-7 years of age. 5-7 years ago the spawning conditions for the herrings were not catastrophic. Evidently illegal fishing is to blame. Poaching. The poacher teams of the Northern part of Caspean Sea made, first of all made the sturgeon a rare fish , and then little by little shifted to harvest the other passing fish. The largest population was once formed by black-back herring "zalom". The markets in Astrakhan' are abundant with all type of fish this year , which is in sharp contrast with the Volga river. Beluga, Russian and Persian sturgeon, inconnu, Caspean seal... This black list of endangered species in Caspean area can be continued because of the uncontrolled activities of poachers, hydrop- rojects, oilprospecting in Caspean sea. The next spawning period will show if the herring is in the list or not. Sergei Novitski




Mail 1.9.00

Dear Roberto! The informations you are happy about were sent to you from "Dront" from different addresses. is one of them. You can send your messages to this address in the future. Translation is of Fedor in the agreement with Elena and "Bereginia" people. I will col- lect all interestiong river information from the newspapers and maga- zines I can get access, translate it and send it to the ERN, with the indication of the sources. You can put this information on you website and say thet it is from "Let's help the river". We are happy about your decision to subscribe to "Bereginia". (Nevertheless I will be translating the river part of "Bereginia" and send it to you. To be on the safe side I send you again three collections of ri- ver informations which we made before. Elena @ Fedor Ltd. Looking forward for further East-West communication. Dear Roberto, Phil and all the interested people from the "Think Camp". Here is Fedor. I am writing on my own initiative after a talk with Phil and RO- berto and Elena. Phil got interested with the case of a small dam decomissioning and removal in Siberia, when the local native yakut population (close to eskimo and red indians) suceeded in 1998 in getting decomissioned and removed a dam 12 m wide and 8 m high made of earth and wood for land reclamation purposes. They worked on it all in all for 8 years. Now goes my translati- on of the article from "Bereginia" no 1 of January, 2000. The small dam was constructed on the river Khotuya, tributary to the river Amga before 1990. Year 1996. After several years of expeditions of the Ecoclub on the river of Khotuya the activists collected convincing evidence demanding decomis- sioning and removal of the dam, which was constructed for the so cal- led land reclamation purposes and brought about creation of a stagnant lake, deterioration of forest, meadows, hay harvesting lands and other problems. There are photoes where the children from the ecoclub together with OL'GA IVANOVA-SIDORKEVICH (the leader of the campaign) are rese- arching something seriously, here they collect signatures from the lo- cal population with the demands to remove the dam, then they negotiate in the office of the administrative leader of Amga Ulus (district), then the representatives of the authorities examine the dam together with the club members. The result : in 1997 the authority of Amga Ulus approved a deci- sion on the feasibility and reasonability of removal of the dam and returning the river in the natural bed. Year 1997. In the summer the expedition's work continues: water samples are taken, the soil is researched, as well, as the vegetation. As usual the greatest attention is paid to the collection of nature conservati- on traditions of the local population, the songs, the tales. Teaching the children the native culture habits is an ever present component of the activities of Ol'ga. No important work is done without a traditio- nal ceremony, a small sacred fire, where the food for the Spirit of Fire is offered, this may be a simple cup of milk. Now about the dam. The authorities are not too quick to start re- moval. Then Ol'ga and the children themselves started the removal. This was preceded by a really significant event: durung a thunderstorm a lightning stroke into the sluice for release of water from the reser- voir. For the clarification: the dam is a structure 12 m wide and 8 m high, made of earth and with the wooden structure at the base. Now again the photoes: the children remove the burned-over sluice and cle- an the bottom, here goes the first water from the water reservoir. It is bright red in colour, almost like fire. The date of the photograph is June21, 1997. All the events were registered in detail. The remai- ning works on the dams were shifted to a later , more suitable time - late autumn. However early snow stopped the work. Year 1998 Another expedition of the ecoclub. The children got possibility to study the changes in the natural environment , which occurred after the partial dismantling of the dam. Spring waters cleaned up the gap and the consequences surpassed all the expectations. Again the photog- raps: at the meadow, free from water we see bright green healthy grass, and among the grass big orange lilies. Ol'ga told me that even old people forgot about such flowers. The main achievement is that ri- ver Khotuya started to return into the old bed. In the bed which had been dry for several years now is a clear spring . On the banks- again we see happy children. In the autumn the removal works continu- ed. Though again the volunteers did it. In 1999 at last the authoritis got involved in the process, and in a serious manner. Ol'ga sent me an interesting document entitled, as "Agreement between the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic Sakha (Yakutia) and the authorities of Amga Ulus for the na- ture protection and nature restoration, environmental education of the population of Amga Ulus", dated of July 10, 1999. Beside the promises to support financially the work of Ecoclub the document also contains a special line, which reads: " Study a possibility to create a special range on Khotuya river for the study of restoration of the natural en- vironment at the area of drained water reservoir." The ecoclub still has a lot to do..." ...Before , when the water had been stagnant, for several meters around the nature had been dead. Now when the river is flowing again everything around started to revive. THere is no more smell of decay in the forest, the forest is full of life , it is rich in berries... The article was written by Maria Cherkasova - director of the Center of Independent Environmental Programs. The address of Ol'ga P. Ivanova-Sidorkevich is:678600, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Amginski Ulus, Lenina str.44, Ecocenter. for Ol'ga P. Ivanova Sidorkevich. The Article is from "Bereginia" newspaper No.1,January, 2000. Roberto I have a proposal to you. We have a children's club "Green Sail"here in Nizhni. We have vo- lunteers there (children mostly, but they grow). They agree to periodically look through the Russian newspapers (Central and Volga basin ones) and to briefly copy the river news relating to hydros , pollution, floods dams etc. I will translate the info and we will send it to your e-ma- il address. They are interested in the educational programs Edith (Marie's friend) told us about, when they transformed research results into pictures, verses, songs and sculpture (we need her e-mail too). So what if we try this method, of course in addition to Lena's river information? If you get interested in some news in detail, then we can try to find contacts through our journalists of Bereginia and AVE-info. Free of charge, until futher notice (Joke) We will be sending the messages from the computer and address of Rashit Khabibbullin, the director of Green Sail. By the way he's got a some place in Internet where we can place this information. Sincerely, Elena, Fedor "Let's Help the River". Dear Roberto! and all intersted! It is Elena and Fedor with another portion of Russian Rivers Net- work News from "Bereginia" 8,2000. At the Pacific Ocean. In 1999 In Kamchatka the activists from the Ecocenter with the NGO "Independent Defence" (a big NGO uniting former servicemen, the Ecocenter is a part of it) implemented a project , which was funded by ROLL/USAID. They replicated the experience of Nizhni Novgorod based "River Cleaners initiative". They applied this experience to the solution of the problem of Avachinskaya Bay. The essence of the pro- ject is to clean the bay from the metal scrap, old ships mostly. The weight of submerged ships is around 40 thousand tons. They used the citi- zens and the commercial firms and did a lot of educational work with the younger generation. " ... Avachinskaya Guba Bay - this unique natural water object is littered by more , than one hundred thousand tons of metal scrap, out of which no less, than 40 thousand tons make submerged ships. To cle- an the bay is a too complicated task for any single agency or enterp- rise in Kamchatka. And of course it is impossible to do by environmen- tal activists only. The total area of Avachinskaya guba bay is 262 km2. This includes two dozens of smaller bays. Only joit action can make a difference. The project is directed at the solution of two tasks: clean-up of the coast of Avachinskaya Guba from the garbage and metal scrap by the schoolchildren, citizens' organizations, enterprises and withdrawl and cutting of the submerged ships by commercial firms and military agen- cies. The implementation of the first task includes environmental edu- cation of the younger population and general population of Avachinska- ya bay (environmental classes, articles in the newspapers), joining efforts of the public organizations for the actions on clean-up of the coast, organizing of the Week of Avacha etc. The second task is still mo- re complicated, because the evacuation of the ships from the bottom requires great financial investments and powerful machinery. This is not profitable and goes counter the principles on which business is based and the commercial structures are unwilling to participate. For the resolution of the task the State Committee for Environmental pro- tection of Kamchatka and the commanders of armed forces of South-East of Russia will provide organizational and technological assistance for the particiapants of the project. Now the preparatory stage of the project is being completed and the phisical work on the clean-up of Avachinskaya bay starts. I am the coordinator of environmental programs of "Indepenedent Defence".I gave 17 environmental classes in the schools of Vilyuchinsk. I told about the necessity to preserve the unique nature of Avacha bay sys- tem. Seniour schoolchildren of the school No.1 and environmental acti- vists of the environmental center of the school 9 cleaned up the first two km of the beach of the Bay of Krashenninikov , a part of Avachins- kaya Guba. They egistered the positions of submerged ships and did a lot more useful work. Involved in the project were more, than 500 pe- ople, 9 citizens organizations and 4 govermental agencies, as well as 5 commercial firms. The experience of the "River Cleaners" was just in time. In this Pacific Ocean project we used the recommendations of the greens from the Volga river how to work with the mass media, municipal services for jobless, how to facilitate the process of founding of the children's environmental movement. We used a lot of guides, worked out by Nizhni Novgorod greens. All this made it possible to implement the project at a high organizational level. Maybe in the future it will be possible to found a citizens' movement "For the Clean Coast of the Pacific". by Zoriana Meshalkina coordinator of the ecocenter in "Independent Defence". ----------------------------------------------- "AvtoVAZ" was not allowed to Belukha Mountain. Clarification of the situation to the environmental protection agencies, storming of the Chinese Embassy. For the first year the environmental association "Belovod'e" from Kazakhstan has been working, as a participant of the "Russian Rivers Network". However it has been a part of the movement "Let's help the rivre" for 4 years already. We started from one of the tributaries of Irtysh river, Ul'ba. This is a very polluted , almost dead river:it is physically impossib- le to swim in this river, no fish, no vegetation. First we conducted a two day environmental expedition to know better about the river: in what condition the river is, who polluted the river, which substances get into the river. During the expedition we kept registering the results of observations, made mapping and pho- tographing. We filmed all the cases of violation and made a video, which played a great role further on. On the completion of the action we organized a round table dis- cussion where we invited governmental agencies and citizens' organiza- tions. When the governmental environmental protection experts saw the film they were struck by the revelation, they said, that they could not imagine, that the river is in such a bad condition. Nobody patro- led the river before, nobody saw the dumps, pipes with the polluted water discharges. The amazement was so deep because the children pre- sented the results: they showed their maps, diaries, photoes of dumps, tonnes of garbage. This made a very very deep impression on the go- vernmental agencies. Since that time they started to treat the movement, as a serious partner and support it. Great help was rendered to the movement by other, not exactly environmen- tal associations, like non-tradtiotional health improvement movement of the followers of Porphiry Ivanov. They took under their protection a part of the river and take the task very seriously. During the first year of the campaign only 4 schools participated in the action . During the last time- more, than one thousand and a half of the activists from three towns: Ust' Kamenogorsk, Semipala- tinsk, Leninogorsk, around 10 schools, three universities, three col- leges, citizens' organizations. Now the campaign is still gaining force and dimension. It is or- ganized under the slogan: Clean banks-clean rivers. Let's help the ri- ver". One more issue to which we pay a lot of attention. China has bu- ilt a canal for irrigation of dry areas. The name of the canal is Black Irtysh-Karamay. It is 300 km long. This year they are planning to divert and take the water. This could bring about a catastrophy, analogous to the disaster of Aral sea. Vast territory could be trans- formaed into a bog. For the second year already we are storming our governmental structures at the level of the parliament and the the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well, as the Embassy of China. The problem is also caused by the fact that separate negotiations are going on , where only Kazakhstan and China take part. Russia is not inclu- ded, though it is a very interested party. I would like to urge the Russian public organizations to exert pressure on the Embassy of Chi- na, to send an appeal to the Ministry of Natural Resources, maybe to contact President Putin to get Russia included into the process, beca- use China continues to behave very independently and the canal is go- ing to be comissioned and functional yet in this year. One more action. AvtoVAZ- an automobile giant of Russia decided to organize a rally to climb the mountain of Belukha. Using own super landrovers they planned to drive to Belukha across rivers, lakes na- ture reserves. Belukha is the place where numerous rivers take source. Our public responded very quickly. One day after the announcement a coordination center of 15 organizations was created. The Russian side was informed immediately. The greens from Novosibirsk, Barnaul, Gor- no-Altaysk got involved. They had been "storming" our provincial aut- horities for a week. We also used a "fax war". The public pressure on the management of AvtoVAZ was so effective, that the authorities agreed on a compro- mize. The result was, that the route of the rally had been changed. Belukha and many rivers were saved. Sergey Shafarenko "Belovod'e" association Ust' Kamenogorsk Kazakhstan. ------------------------------------------------------------- Authorised Activism? In Tatarstan the initiative of Let's Help the River took deep ro- ots. To save small rivers more, than a thousand of persons from 20 districts of the republic mobilized themselves for concrete actions 4 years ago. The idea of helping the rivers has become very popular since. In many groups of additional school training such actions are being orga- nized independently, whthout any agination campaigns. Now every spring in the organizations, like "young nature scientists circles" and turinsts they allot certain funds for the conduct of river cleaning actions. At the very beginning of the initiative no governmental organiza- tions supported us and we purchased all the equipment on the money from our own salaries. Only once the authorities gave us transport for trash disposal. In fact we forced them to give us the truck by threa- tening to dump all the garbage in the central squire. The greens of Tatarstan are not cleaning the rivers only. The en- vironmental movement of the republic consists mostly of students. Most of them have the licences of public environmental protection inspec- tors and fight against illegal capture of lands in the buffer zones of the rivers, against the poachers who place their nets across the river pathes during the spawning time. Now the poachers start to use the electro-shock fishing devices, chemical poison and dynamite. This year 2000 a special order was issued for the schools of the republic under which all the schools are to mandatory participate in river cleaning activities. A certain portion of rivers is allotted for cleaning to every school. Moreover the Ministry of Environment of the republic declared by a special order April 22 the Day for the protec- tion of small rivers. Here a question arises: is it good or bad? On April 22 the child- ren were freed from the school attendance and forcibly brought to cle- an the river banks. many of them did not understand the ideology of the campaign , they did not get "why" they had to work there. The TV men came and filmed the event, then they went away to show this in the news... Some people conduct the action only to get publicity in Mass Media, not to help the river. In some cases the participants threw back the trash into the river after the journalists and administrators went away. To be honest this is the profanation of the idea, formalism and a show. Funds from the republic budget are spent , someone regis- ters a new achievement and reports back to high chiefs... Is it good for the cause we are fighting for? Irek Ziganshin Kazan', Tatarstan Russian Federation. ----------------------------------------------------------------- River News from the magazine "Echocronika" Russia, Saint-Petersburg 2 (40)1999. An Active Person Alexander Solovykh, cochairman of Samara (the Volga river city) regional organization of radical ecologists Citizens' Initiative has been in defiant confrontation with the directorship of the national park "Samarskaya Luka" (coastal area of the Volga river) for several years alredy. He said the situation in the national park is critical: very few bears and deer remain and some rare species and plants are close to extinction as the Samarskaya Luka directorship still allows exploita- tion of stone quarries on the territory of the national park. Besides Alexander Solovykh has accused the Samarskaya luka direc- torship of pandering to the poachers who use the most barbarous fis- hing methods. (17 small dams with holes in them, where nets are instal- led during the spawning period of fish). He also said he had to confront the dirtiest corruption, threats and even assaults... Yet sometimes in his struggle he and his friends use methods which can hardly be regarded, as legal. Once Alexander Solovykh and several other activists of his organization were even arrested when they tried to use a home made bomb in order to blow up a dam built by poaching fishermen. As a professional lawyer Alexander understands it will be a hard task for him to prove in court the extreme necessity of his action. Nevertheless this Zorro of an ecologist from Samara will not give in. He is planning new actions in protection of the national park. Yet, when he was asked if he was going to use bombs again, he promptly replied in the negative. --------------------------- What have we done to you, mother river Volga? 54% of the Population of Russia, 45% of industrial production and about 50% of the agricultural production are concentrated in the basin of the Volga river. What icredibly large civilization this river car- ries on its banks, almost every mile of the length of which is used for industrial or agricultural purposes. Quite a few of the buildings standing on the banks of the Volga river date back to past centuries. And wherever you may look, you can see churches which are so beautiful even though until recently most of them have been abandoned and dilapidated. In fact the Volga river, in a sense is no more. Instead there is a chain of artificial lakes. The natural outline of the river in most places disappeared amidst these "hand-made seas". The environmental problems of the Volga river and the areas it passes through are innumerable: oil spills, dams in disrepairs, the littered banks and the bottom of the river, pollutting discharges... Despite all its might and main, the Volga can hardly any longer bear up against the industrial onslought. Residents of the towns, situated on the Volga river banks, still keep in mind - now most incredible - memory of the Volga river so rich in fish and caviar, and so clean. We are still hoping sturgeons will come back. Yet it is a long way between hopes and reality. What have we done to you, mother Volga? Please forgive us if you can. ------------------------------------------- A monument of ecological illiteracy. The unfinished dam Krapivinskaya on the river Tom (Russia, the Urals, Kuzbass region around Kemerovo town) is a kind of monument to ecological illiteracy. Its construction began 10 years ago. The dam was to be 55 m high, 1164 m long and the lake was to be 230-670 squire km of area. At that time the dam was considered necessary in order to create an artificial lake that would serve, as a huge sedimentation reservoir for waste water discharges from mining and metallurgic en- terprises of Kuzbass industrial region. When environmental assessment of the project was completed at last , it showed the complete inexpediency of the dam and 10 years ago the construction was suspended. By that time 300 million USD had been already invested in the project. Yet recently in Kuzbass some have begun to talk about the possi- bility of resuming the project. They say a new version of the project is quite environmentally friendly and will be economically efficient (it is worth mentioning that the continuation of the project will re- quire another 300 million USD). However, these plans have been opposed vehemently by the pupils of Kemerovo town school No.62 who are members of the Youth Ecological association led by Oleg Novikov. These young- sters say the river Taidon , a tributary of the Tom river can fulfill the task of supplying clean water to Kuzbass towns by far better than the projected artificial lake. As for the unfinished dam, some of its parts could be left , as they are just as a monument of ecological illiteracy. Hi, Roberto and other friends! Here go articles from another issue of "Bereginia" newspaper, No.9 of the year 2000. Articles relating to rivers and lakes of the Russian Federation. Thinking Roberto Epple, the president of European Rivers Network speaks about dismantling of a dam on Loire river (France). Listening to him are river-activists who came to his think-camp from various parts of Europe. Nizhni Novgorod delegates Elena Kolpakova (the coordinator of the Volga river movement "Let's help the river" and of the Russian Ri- vers Network, and a well-known river cleaner Fedor Krylov also were thinking on Loire river. About what were they thinking? About the fact, that ERN was preparing for the dismantling of a dam on Loire ri- ver more, than 10 years. They organized disobedience actions, occupied dam construction sites , population awareness and propaganda campa- igns. And finally they reached the goal, the dam was blown up. The workshop on Loire river demonstrated to us, that the Russian Rivers Network activists should learn from ERN to be patient and flexible. -------------------------------------------------- From the page :"News of the Russian Rivers Network Conscience of Russia August 27, 2000 for the second time the activists selebrated the annual festival "Day of Baikal". Baikal is the deepest, the oldest and the cleanest lake in the world. The hystory of industrial construction near this unique lake and fight for saving of Baikal is an extended in time ecological drama , which is well known all over Russia. Ever de- veloping harmful environmental consequences to which no remedy was fo- und, old problems which date back to 1960-ties years , vilolated har- mony: these are the heritage of nature conquest. What should be done now about it? For all this time of week and unsuccessful protest of the public against irresposible decision-making a major threat emerged that the pe- ople will get used to the situation, threat of indifferent observation of evil deeds against clean and beautiful Baikal. These violations are being committed by the industry, authorities and common people too. In 1997 after Baikal was included by UNESCO into the list of the World Natural Heritage objects the green activists of Baikal region decided to hold a festival, which could help to draw attention to the problems of Baikal, sensibilize people and mobilized them to collabo- ratively solve those problems. We needed a festival for which people get prepared all year long. There was a strong understanding, that the region should have its popular festival devoted to the unique lake on the Planet. This festival finally was organized in 1999 - the citizens' ini- tiative was supported by the supreme bodies of the districts of Baikal region (Duma of Irkutsk province, Duma of Chita province, the peoples' khural of Buriatia republic and by the Duma of Ust'-Ordynsky and Buri- atsky autonomous district). In Irkutsk occurred founding and the first celebration of the Day of Baikal, which was decided to mark every fo- urth Sunday in August. At the same day opened was Baikal film festival "Man and Nature". Many organizations from many places sent their cong- ratulations for this festival to us. One of the famous defenders of Baikal Mr. Glazia wrote that: ... This timely patriotic initiative goes far beyond the banks of Baikal and has not only Russian, but worldwide significance. Baikal is the "All-Mankind Well" from which people take not only material reso- urces - drinking water of unique quality, but also the spiritual we- alth. Baikal is the conscience of Russia. This year the celebrations were organized for Baikal in Ulan-Ude and Irkutsk. For more inforamtion ---------------------------------------------------------- Selenga, Ob' which is next? The Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia is making plans on deltas of major Russian rivers. Near Baikal a new regional project is being deployed on oil and gas prospecting in the delta of river Selenga the major tributary to Baikal lake. The works are being planned at the territory of Baikal section of which is included into the list of UNESCO Heritage . It is close to the nature reserve "Kabansky", being the only natural ob- ject in the Republic of Buryatia included into Ramsar Convention on wetlands. We were too optimistic about the degree of Baikal protection and did not take seriously the information in Mass Media about petrol and gas found in the delta of Selenga river, because we regarded the plans of some of our geologists to be too absurd. The catalist to such regi- onal initiatives served the resolution of the Ministry of Natural Re- sources of Russia from 24.06.98 No.10-1 where it was acknowledged, as one of the major tasks to organise preplanned works for strengthening of raw materials basis in new promising territories and water areas. The money are to be taken from the local budgets. After this document became valid the local gas prospecting companies intensified their work. The project was included into the republican program on natural resources replenishment . In Moscow the leader of the program received O.K. but no funds was allotted from the federal budget. If the project is started successfully the experience could be replicated to other regions and rivers. We propose to "Let's help the river" and other interested groups to join efforts in the information campaign to stop those plans. We are planning to open a section "Oil Prospecting at Baikal" in the site of our organization ( S.G. Shapakhayev Buryat Regional Baikal Association. ---------------------------------------------------------- Black back herring will be no more? The fish-experts from the laboratory of passing fish from the Institute of Fishery of Caspean Sea Area have registered a uniquely low spawning population of black-back herring ("zalom") ever while obser ving the Volgograd dam processes. The spawning passage numbers of the fish in the dam zone of Volzhskaya HPS was negligible. At the peak of spawning passage - in the first decade of June- during the check catches at Volgograd portion of Low Volga only single black back herrings were registered. In previous years there were tho- usands of them. What happened? The first hyposesis of the scientists was fluctuations of the spawning population. It is justified because the generations of this kind of herrings differ in numbers one from another . But why such drastic changes never occurred before? The ba- sis of the current spawning population were the fishes of 5-7 years of age. 5-7 years ago the spawning conditions for the herrings were not catastrophic. Evidently illegal fishing is to blame. Poaching. The poacher teams of the Northern part of Caspean Sea made, first of all made the sturgeon a rare fish , and then little by little shifted to harvest the other passing fish. The largest population was once formed by black-back herring "zalom". The markets in Astrakhan' are abundant with all type of fish this year , which is in sharp contrast with the Volga river. Beluga, Russian and Persian sturgeon, inconnu, Caspean seal... This black list of endangered species in Caspean area can be continued because of the uncontrolled activities of poachers, hydrop- rojects, oilprospecting in Caspean sea. The next spawning period will show if the herring is in the list or not. Sergei Novitski



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