Pressreleases / Communiqués / Pressemitteilungen 
(all in original language, en langue originale, in Originalsprache):


    "Newer" News

    04.01.2000 :  Marée noire en France: site spécial marée noire et souscription "oiseaux"
    22.12.99 : Ilisu/Turkey: Urgent plea for faxes to be sent as  soon as possible to the UK prime ministre
    16.12.99 : Call for European NGO hearing on WCD related issues, 16.-19 January 2000
    13.12.99 : Protestkundgebung : 50 jahre Hermesbürgschaften
    09.12.99 : WWF kritisiert erneuten Vorfall im spanischen Naturpark Doñana
    09.12.99 : People's Movements and other Organisations in Mumbai
    Strongly Condemn the attack on Narmada Bachao Andolan
    09.12.99 : Narmada India : Armed thugs attack NBA office : office ransacked, document destroyed
    09.12.99 : World Bank told: pay up or decommission Pak Mun
    05.12.99 : Korea: Successful conference against dam construction in Korea
    04.12.99 : NGO conference on  EU water framework directive closed..
    25.11.99 : Israel eyes cost of tapping into Turkish water
    11.11.99 : Das Russian River Network RRN ist gegruendet !(engl)   (fr)

Text : 

04.01.2000 :  Marée noire en France: site spécial marée noire et souscription "oiseaux"
.  Nous relayons un message de Bretagne Vivante - SEPN participe au ramassage
des oiseaux mazoutés dans le cadre du dispostif coordonné par la LPO.
Nous attendons vos dons. D'après les derniers comptages, le nombre total d'oiseaux morts est d'ores
et déjà supérieur à celui recensé lors du naufrage de l'Amoco Cadiz : oiseaux marins
(fous de bassan et guillemots essentiellement) mais aussi oiseaux côtiers (limicoles, laridés, canards de tte sortes,
bernaches...). Le petit traict et le grand traict du croisic sont pollués
(les ostreiculteurs sont contents)
, la Baie de Bourgneuf idem et cerise sur le gateau, lourde menace sur
l'estuaire de la Loire (si le pétrole touche le ban de Bilho on assistera à une belle hécatombe). 
Merci Total et Joyeuses Fêtes !!!!
Pour les nantais : si la presqu'ile guérandaise est correctement couverte, nous
manquons de monde pour jouer les ambulances à oiseaux sur le Pays de Retz :
avis aux amateurs ! Si vous connaissez des vétos en Sud Loire capables d'épauler l'Ecole Véto de Nantes, faites-signes !
special website marée noire :
Amtiés à tous
Laurent LE CORRE
33, rue Desgrées du Lou 44100 Nantes
tel: 0240690819 / 0671251459


22.12.99 : Ilisu/Turkey: Urgent plea for faxes to be sent as  soon as possible to the UK prime ministre



more information: 
letter and background
more information about the project

ERN  Tel.  0033 (0)4 71 02 08 14 
Fax : 0033 (0)4 71 02 60 99

16.12.99 : Call for European NGO hearing on WCD related issues, 
16.-19 January 2000  in Bratislava
European NGOs involved in the issues of dam-building, in Europe and outside Europe, are invited to take part in a meeting planned for January 16th-19th in Bratislava.
The main aims of this hearing, organized by Friends of the Earth Slovakia, are to strengthen the cooperation  between European organizations working on dams-related problems and to bring the concern of European NGOs community to the attention of the World Commission on Dams, which is due to report in 2000. 
detailed programm and invitation and registering

13.12.99 : Protestkundgebung : 50 jahre Hermesbürgschaften

(Ecke Spandauer Str./Rathausstr, U-Bahn Alexanderplatz)

Am 14.12. feiert die Bundesregierung gemeinsam mit Vertretern der
Exportwirtschaft  und der Banken den fünfzigsten Geburtstag ihres
wichtigsten Exportförderinstrumentes - den Hermesbürgschaften.
Organisationen der Umwelt-, Menschenrechts- und Friedensbewegung werden
diesen "Festtag" auf ihre Art begehen: mit einer Protestkundgebung am roten
Rathaus in Berlin-Mitte. Denn seit fünfzig Jahren werden mit Hermes
deutsche Steuergelder dafür eingesetzt, Waffenlieferungen, Großstaudämme,
Atomkraftwerke und andere Projekte abzusichern, die schwere Schäden an
Mensch und Umwelt hervorrufen.

Rot-Grün hatte zwar in ihrem Koalitionsvertrag versprochen, eine Reform der
Vergabe von Hermesbürgschaften einzuführen. Dieses Versprechen scheint
jedoch bereits vergessen. Denn die Bundesregierung will trotzdem
Bürgschaften für:
o den Maheshwar-Staudamm im indischen Narmada-Tal vergeben, der Haus
und Hof von 40.000 Kleinbauern überfluten wird.
o den Ilisu-Staudamm in der Türkei erteilen, der fast 100 Dörfer und
Kleinstädte in Kurdistan überfluten wird und die Türkei in die Lage
versetzt über Monate hinweg, seinen Nachbarn in Syrien und Iraq das Wasser
o die maroden Atomkraftwerke Khelmnitzky 2 und Rivne 4 in der Ukraine
übernehmen, obwohl diese Projekte eine ernste Sicherheitsgefahr für die
Bevölkerung darstellen.

Die Hermes-Reform Kampagne, die von über 100 Umwelt-, Menschenrechts- und
entwicklungspolitischen Gruppen getragen wird, möchte Sie deshalb einladen,
gemeinsam mit uns am 14. Dezember eine große "Anti-Geburtstags Party" für
Hermes zu veranstalten. Es ist unverantwortlich, daß Steuergelder des
Bundes ver(sch)wendet werden, um die Beteiligung deutscher Firmen an
zerstörerischen Großprojekten in der Dritten Welt und Ost-Europa
abzusichern. Wir fordern die Einführung von ökologischen,
friedenspolitischen und sozialen Standards für die Vergabe solcher

Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Sie an der Protestkundgebung teilnehmen und
auch Ihre Freunde und Bekannten mobilisieren, so daß wir gemeinsam am 14.
Dezember den Herrschaften signalisieren, daß 50 Jahre mehr als genug sind.


Urgewald e.V.
Von-Galen-Strasse 4
D-48336 Sassenberg
   Fon: +49 (0)2583 1031
   Fax: +49 (0)2583 4220

09.12.99 : WWF kritisiert erneuten Vorfall im spanischen Naturpark Doñana

Vogelschutzgebiet wieder von Schadstoffen bedroht / WWF: Politiker muessen Verantwortung uebernehmen

Rastatt, 8. Dezember 1999. Die Schaeden vom letzten Unglueck sind noch lange nicht beseitigt, da ist eines der wichtigsten Naturparadiese Europas, der spanische Nationalpark Coto Doñana, wieder von Schadstoffen bedroht. Ein Fluss, der durch das Schutzgebiet fliesst, ist durch oelhaltiges Abwasser verseucht. Der World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) fordert, dass Politiker endlich die Verantwortung uebernehmen, statt sie wie bisher zwischen Zentralregierung und Regionalverwaltung hin- und herzuschieben.
Ursache der Verschmutzung sind organische Rueckstaende der Oel- und Olivenproduktion, die illegal in den Fluss Guadiamar geleitet wurden. „Der Fluss ist auf mehreren Kilometern Strecke immer noch schwarz“, sagte Guido Schmidt, der fuer den WWF die Renaturierung im ehemaligen Katastrophengebiet betreut. Zwar sei diese Verschmutzung nicht mit dem Unglueck von April 1998 zu vergleichen, doch zeige sie, wie schlecht es immer noch um den Schutz der Gewaesser stehe. „Der Guadiamar ist der am besten kontrollierte Fluss Spaniens, und dennoch ist eine solche illegale Einleitung moeglich“, kritisierte Schmidt. Nach Angaben von WWF und der regionalen Umweltorganisation „Ecologistas en Acción“ liege dies vor allem daran, dass die Zustaendigkeiten fuer den Schutz der Fluesse zwischen dem Umweltministerium in Madrid und der andalusischen Umweltbehoerde hin- und hergereicht wuerden. „Im Zweifel ist dann niemand zustaendig“, erklaerte Schmidt.
Die oelhaltige Schmutzschicht verursacht im Gewaesser Sauerstoffmangel. Nach Angaben der Zeitung Domingo ist der Sauerstoffgehalt bereits von 5% auf etwa 0,1% gesunken. Dies gefaehrdet Tiere und Pflanzen im Wasser. Ausserdem beeintraechtigen die Rueckstaende die Renaturierungsarbeiten, welche die Folgen des schweren Ungluecks vom letzten Jahr beseitigen sollen. So war fuer letzte Woche eine Aufforstung urspruenglich geplant. 
Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie bei:
Guido Schmidt, Referent fuer Doñana beim WWF Spanien, 
Tel. ++34-67 06 01 893, email:
Anja Rech, Pressereferentin im WWF-Auen-Institut, Tel.: 0 72 22/38 07-14, 
E-Mail:, Internet:
Weitere Informationen unter

09.12.99 :  People's Movements and other Organisations in Mumbai
Strongly Condemn the attack on Narmada Bachao Andolan

We strongly condemn the barbaric act of a few miscreants, who attacked the
Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA) office at Baroda last night.

We are clear that the hysterical atmosphere created in the state by the
Government and other politicians have incited these few to take law into
their hands. Instead of having a meaningful dialogue with NBA with facts
and figures, turning to violence is a cowardly act. Forcefully entering the
office with lethal weapons like knives and revolver, injuring an activist
and burning valuable documents is no way to deal with a non-violent
movement like NBA.

We wonder, is this the real Kar Seva which the likes of Sharad Joshi wanted
to perform?  This is the continuation of earlier attack on NBA office on
March 21, 1994, where MLA, Mayor and others of both BJP and Congress burned
valuable files and destroyed materials.

We mince no words to condemn this fascist action, overtly or covertly
scripted and performed by the State and a few politicians, in this eve of
Human Rights Day.

1.     Mihir Desai  Indian Centre for Human Rights and Law
2.      Deepak Mepani  Kutch Development Forum
3.      Deepika - Indian Peopleís Tribunal on Environment and Human Rights
4.      Adv.Collin Gonsalvis  Human Right Law Network
5.      Mahendra Singh  National Alliance of People's Movements
6.      Rajan Singh  Adivasi Rights Law Network
7.      Rajendra Sail  INSAF
8.      Hasina Khan  Awaz-E-Niswan
9.      Ashok Kumar - Save Western Ghats Movement
10.     Bharat Mansatta  Earthcare Books
11.     Kavita  YUVA
12.     Shanawas Pathan  Manav Mukthi Morcha, Maharashtra
13.     Vasudev Juvatkar  Footpathwasi Nagarik Sangathan
14.     Sandeep Yeole  Ferrywalla Vikas Mahasangh
15.     Vineeta Mansatta  Intranet
16.     Ulka Mahajan  Soshit Jan Andolan
17.     Bhavani Sashtri  Students Action Committee
18.     Jagdeesh Khairalia  Samajwadi Jan Parishad
19.     Aravinda / Ravi  AID, India
20.     Kiran  Prerana

Susanne Wong
Campaigns Assistant
International Rivers Network
1847 Berkeley Way, Berkeley, CA 94703
Tel: 1.510.848.1155 ext 316
Fax: 1.510.848.1008

09.12.99 : Narmada India : Armed thugs attack NBA office : office ransacked, document destroyed
Early today morning (9 ecember 1999), at about 2:20 AM (i.e. the night of
8 December), some 6 micreants carrying knives and revolver got into the
NBA office in Baroda ad burnt a few files, threw some out of the window
and stole Rs. 20,000. Ths happened when activist Raghu was alone in the
office. Hearing a knock, hinking that it is already morning, he opened the
door and he was pushedto a corner and the intruders and covered him with a
few blankets and razzaiie - mildly assaulting him and asked him not to
move. Then they went inthe inside room and ransacked the place. The actual
loss of documents is bein assessed. As per message last received from
Baroda, Nandini and Sukuar had reached there. The police too had reached
and were investigating.

It should be noted that the NBA has been receiving several threats in the
last few months. These have been reported to the police but they have
failed to take any action. In the first week of November an anonymous
caller called twice and asked that the Baroda office be immediately
vacated, else it would be "destroyed". A compliant was made to the police
but no action has been taken. Earlier, a well known religious leader Swami
Satchidanand had called on the police to kill NBA activists in "encounters"
. This was done at a public function - the inauguration of the boiler of a
sugar factory in the SSP command. A complaint has been filed with the
police but no action is seen.

It is clearly the lack of any action by Gujarat Government that has
emboldened the thugs to carry out their attack in such a blatant manner.

Indeed, the way those involved in the earlier attack on NBA office (in
1994) were allowed to go scotfree by the Gujarat Government, it is a signal
that the Gujarat Government is sending that it will look the other way and
allow such things to continue. The miscreants have clearly assumed that the
tacit support of the Gujarat Government will back them up and given the
past events, it is not an incorrect conclusion.

It may be recalled that earlier this year, when noted writer Arundhati
Roy's book on the Narmada, "The Greater Common Good" was published, certain
political organisations had burnt copies of it in Gujarat, and then
threatened bookstores not to stock it or face arson. The Gujarat Government
took no action against this public threat.

Yesterday's incident of attack on the office once again highlights the
attempts by certain elements in Gujarat to use terror tactics to suppress
any open discussion and debate on Narmada. These handful of people can get
away with such actions only because of clear if tacit support from the
Gujarat Government and police. They have been further emboldened by the
clear signals given by the Gujarat Government in the last few months as is
seen from the above discussed events.


We request all those who are concerned about the lack of democratic space
in Gujarat to write immediately to the CHIEF MINISTER Gujarat Government
condemning the incident as also the inaction of Gujarat Government in the
previous incidents, taking serious note of its tacit support to such
actions, and demanding prompt, effective, and exemplary action against the
attackers. You should also ask that the Government ensure safety of the NBA
office in Baroda as also of the activists and to take steps to ensure such
incidents are not repeated.

Please Also write to the PRIME MINSTER, condemning the incident and
demanding immediate action, and to ensure safety of the NBA office and

For more info, you can contact the Narmada Bachao Andolan's Bombay office
at 91-22-557 4895 (Joe / Sanjay).


*Mr Keshubhai Patel
Chief Minister of Gujarat
Nava Sachivalaya
Gujarat, 382 010
Fax: +91 (2712) 22101

Mr A.B. Vajpayee
Prime Minister of India
South Block, New Delhi 110 004
Fax: +91 (11) 301 6857/301 9817

Narmada Bachao Andolan
B-13, Shivam Flats, Ellora Park, Baroda
Mumbai contacts: Parvin Jehangir  2184779, 2185832, Mahendra Singh, Amrita,
Joe - 5574895

09.12.99  : Narmada India :  Action alert : speak out to denounce violent attack on Narmada Bachao Andolan office 

Dear Friends,

Last night, six people armed with knives and guns broke into the office of
the Narmada Bachao Andolan in Baroda and ransacked the office, destroying
files and assaulting an activist. The intruders threatened that they will
not hesitate to kill if the NBA does not leave the state of Gujarat
immediately. We urge you to speak out against the attacks on the offices of
the NBA and the Gujarat state government's tacit support of these actions.

Please read below for more info and press releases from the NBA on the attacks.


Shripad Dharmadhikary
Narmada Bachao Andolan

Patrick McCully
International Rivers Network

09.12.99 : World Bank told: pay up or decommission Pak Mun

The World Bank should pay compensation to communities affected by the Pak
Mun Dam in Thailand, a report released today by International Rivers
Network asserts. The report documents the Bank’s involvement in the project
over the past decade from its earliest promises that communities would
benefit from the project, to its current claim that Pak Mun resettlement is
one of the best examples amongst Bank-assisted projects. 

The report, The Struggle for the Mun River, states that, “The Bank remains
accountable … [to Pak Mun communities] because of its severely flawed
process of project development, its failure to address subsequent impacts
of the project, and finally, its failure to ensure proper compensation to
communities now facing unmitigated project impacts.” The report was
released on the eve of the tenth anniversary of the Pak Mun dam struggle.

The 136 MW Pak Mun Dam, which was completed in 1994, was built by the
Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand with US$23 million in
financing from the World Bank. Even though the Bank only contributed around
10 per cent of the project’s costs, it played a key role in the
development, promotion and construction of the project.

“The Bank cannot continue to renege on its responsibilities to dam-affected
people by claiming it played a small role in developing these projects,”
says Ms. Aviva Imhof, one of the report’s authors and IRN’s South-East Asia
Campaigner. “It is time for the World Bank to take responsibility for the
role it played in the development of Pak Mun dam, own up to its mistakes,
and ensure that people are compensated. If the Bank can’t do this, then it
should work with the government to decommission the dam, as the villagers
are demanding.” 

For nine months, more than 3,000 villagers have been occupying the Pak Mun
dam site and say they will stay until their demands are met. They are
demanding 15 rai (2.4 hectares) of land per family in compensation for
4,500 families for permanent loss of fisheries income. Tomorrow, people
will converge on Pak Mun for tenth anniversary celebrations. There will be
a forum with well-known Thai academics and the closing ceremony for the Mun
River walk, a two-week journey through the Mun River villages. 

The Struggle for the Mun River shows that the Bank had advance warning of
the project’s impacts on fisheries, public health and the livelihoods of
villagers living around the dam site, and chose to ignore or dismiss the
information. Contrary to World Bank policy, the environmental impact
assessments for the project were conducted almost 10 years prior to project
approval, and contained no baseline data on fisheries, incomes of
potentially affected people, or the number of people who would be
resettled. Public participation was virtually non-existent. 

The impacts of the dam have been remarkably close to what was predicted by
villagers in 1990 and 1991. More than 20,000 people have been affected by
drastic reductions in fish populations upstream of the dam site, health
impacts, and other changes to their livelihoods. 

For a copy of the full report, go to, or email 

For further information contact Aviva Imhof or Chainarong Srettachau,
Director, South-East Asia Rivers Network: Tel: 66 53 221157,

The Struggle for the Mun River: The World Bank’s Involvement in the Pak Mun
Dam, Thailand

For over ten years, the Mun River has been a battleground between the World
Bank, the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT), and the more
than 20,000 people who depended on the river’s bounty for their
livelihoods. Construction on the 136 MW hydropower project was started in
1991 and completed in 1994, at a total cost of US$264 million. 

The World Bank, while contributing only 10 per cent of the total costs,
played a key role in the development, promotion, and construction of this
project, and therefore has responsibility for the on-going impacts. In
1998, the World Bank’s Operations Evaluation Department (OED) produced a
report on the Bank’s Recent Experience with Involuntary Resettlement. The
OED report claims that Pak Mun had “a satisfactory resettlement outcome”
and that Pak Mun was “among the best experiences with resettlement among
Bank-assisted projects.”

Currently over 4,500 people are living in a protest camp at the Pak Mun dam
site. They demand that the Bank acknowledge its responsibility for the
project’s impacts, and that the Bank pay reparations to over 4,000 families
who have permanently lost income and food sources from the once rich
fisheries of the Mun River. The OED report insinuates that this unrest is
driven by greed and the desire to be included in EGAT's "generous
compensation" to project-affected people.  This report examines this
serious allegation as well as the underlying causes of unrest in the
project area and the World Bank's responsibility in addressing these causes. 

Poor Process of Implementation 
The project suffered from such a poor process of implementation that it is
not surprising it has been plagued by controversy since its inception. Not
only were the environmental impact assessments for the project conducted
almost 10 years prior to project approval, but they were also based on
obsolete project parameters. The studies included no baseline data on
fundamental issues such as fisheries, incomes of potentially affected
people or even the number of people who would be resettled. Public
participation was virtually non-existent. And throughout this process, the
World Bank played a key role, backing up the spurious claims of EGAT, and
failing to take into consideration the objections to the project raised by
villagers, NGOs, technical experts, and even their own Executive Directors. 

Resettlement was handled badly. Neither EGAT nor the World Bank knew the
number of affected households at the time of project approval, which was
seven months after construction had begun. While in 1991 the Bank claimed
that 262 families would need to be resettled, in fact 912 families were
relocated and an additional 780 households lost part, or all of their land.

Villagers, NGOs and scientists repeatedly warned the Bank that the EIA
failed to include an investigation of fish species and their migratory
patterns in the Mun and Mekong Rivers, an assessment of the economic
benefits of the Mun river's existing fisheries, and an investigation of the
impacts of the dam on the Mun river ecosystem. The Bank admitted in
December 1991 that the EIA did not include “systematic and detailed studies
of fishes and their migratory patterns”, but instead of commissioning
additional studies, the Bank relied on the assumption that reservoir
fisheries would result in a 50% increase in fish yield. The irony of this
is that the Bank consistently maintained that the project was a
run-of-river dam that would not even have a reservoir.
Community Impacts

“Pak Mun dam destroyed our river, the Mun river. The dam destroyed our
fishing communities and our culture. To destroy a river, to destroy
communities and culture, is a terrible thing.”

The impacts of Pak Mun dam have been remarkably close to what was predicted
by villagers in 1990 and 1991. Formerly close and self-sufficient
communities have disintegrated. Resettlement resulted in villages being
divided between different locations, conflicts within villages between pro
and anti-dam forces, and families being separated as people moved away in
search of additional income. The reservoir inundated community forests,
pastures and riverbank vegetable gardens, affecting thousands of people. 

Fisheries have been decimated by the project. In October 1999, villagers
reported that fish catches have decreased from up to 100 kilograms per day
to virtually nothing. Whereas before the dam, fishers reported that they
could identify 122 species of fish and 4 species of shrimp, in 1999, they
could identify only 9 species of fish upstream of the dam, and 9 species of
fish downstream of the dam, and only two species are found both upstream
and downstream. Yet the World Bank OED claims there is “no conclusive
evidence of any impact by Pak Mun Dam on fish populations, fish catch
level, or change in composition of species in the reservoir.” 

Mitigation and Compensation Measures 
Throughout the struggle for the Mun River, the World Bank and EGAT
maintained that all project-related impacts would be mitigated, and that
villagers would be compensated for their losses. A fish ladder would allow
fish to pass the dam. Stocking of the reservoir with fish and shrimp would
increase fish production in the area. Villagers who had to be resettled
would be provided with compensation which would contribute to their

Yet today, after a 10 year battle, villagers maintain that they were better
off before the dam, and that if it were up to them, they would remove the
dam and return to their old lives. Measures designed to mitigate loss of
fisheries have proved woefully inadequate in comparison to the natural
biodiversity of the Mun River. The compensation received by those resettled
did not equal the replacement cost of equivalent land and houses. Those
resettled by the dam face a struggle to survive. Many are in debt. Some
have no land security and face jail sentences for trespass on public
communal lands. Many thousands of people have been affected by fisheries
losses. After a long struggle, some have received compensation for loss of
fisheries during the three year construction period, yet none have received
compensation for permanent losses. 

The World Bank owes it to the villagers to visit the site, listen to their
stories, and consider their demands, without the presence of the Thai
government and EGAT. The Bank must take responsibility for the problems now
being faced by villagers, and must work with the villagers to find
acceptable solutions. Villagers are demanding 15 rai of land per family in
compensation for permanent loss of fisheries, as agreed to by the Chavalit
government. They also want solutions to the health problems they are
currently facing. If this compensation is not forthcoming, they want the
dam to be removed.

In the context of the current power surplus in Thailand, it is worth
considering whether this dam, which supplies only a fraction of Thailand’s
peaking power needs, is worth the additional investment of $58 million that
would be required to adequately compensate communities. If not, then the
dam should be removed and the Mun River restored. This would satisfy the
villagers, and would be much cheaper in the long run for the Thai government.

For a copy of the full report, go to, or email Aviva Imhof,
Aviva Imhof
South-East Asia Campaigner
International Rivers Network
1847 Berkeley Way, Berkeley CA 94703 USA
Tel: + 1 510 848 1155 (ext. 312), Fax: + 1 510 848 1008
Email:, Web:

04.12.99 : NGO conference on  EU water framework directive closed..

On October the 2nd and 3rd an NGO conference on issues of the EU water framework directive took place in Brussels, organised by the EEB (European Environmental Biro). Representatives of different European NGOs and research institutes discussed the most urgent issues as to be the time frame of the directive, the approach to hazardous substances or water prising. The currant draft of the law foresees a transition period of 16 years with possible extensions of three times 6 years making all together up to 34 years till a country has definitely to comply with the set standards. Regarding the hazardous substances new amendments have to be formulated since formulations of the currant draft may even weaken the currently existing legislation in that field. Water prising is an issue addressing especially countries of southern Europe with water shortage. It is being discussed as an important tool for inaugurating more efficient water management methods in those countries.
The deadline for amendments is the 4th of January 2000 - 

Happy Christmas and a merry New Year.... 
From ERN, European Rivers Network, 
For more information contact EEB - Brussels:

25.11.99 : Israel eyes cost of tapping into Turkish water


            JERUSALEM - Drought-stricken Israel might import
                massive quantities of water from Turkey if a team of
                experts appointed by Prime Minister Ehud Barak gives
                the go-ahead, a Foreign Ministry official said

                "Turkey is ready and capable to supply Israel with water
                ...but we will not import water if it is not economically
                viable," the official said.

                He said Turkey had recently completed the construction of
                a water-export terminal at the mouth of a major river near
                the Turkish Mediterranean city of Antalya.

                A giant plastic bubble, filled with water and air, and floated
                to Israel by tug boats, would be one way the water could be
                brought to Israel. Another was to build an underwater
                pipeline, the official said.

                But the most viable option was to use oil tankers converted
                to carry water, he said.

                The project would go forward only if imported water from
                Turkey proved to be cheaper than desalinated water.

                Turkish President Suleyman Demirel has offered to supply
                Israel, a close ally, with 180 million cubic metres (6.4 billion
                cubic feet) of water a year.

                Hebrew University water expert Hillel Shoval said water had
                never been imported by a country "in the massive quantities
                we are talking about".

                He said Israel would need to ship in more than 100 million
                cubic metres of water a year to make up its shortfall.

                But Shoval said Israel should first implement a basic water
                conservation programme.

                "The first order of water conservation is a massive effort to
                introduce water saving devices," he said, explaining that
                low-flow toilets and showerheads could save Israel about 10
                percent of its total water consumption.

                Israel has had one of the driest years on record with the
                country's largest water basin, the Sea of Galilee, drying up
                and leaving barren sandbanks in its wake.

                The drought has sparked concern that Israel needs to find a
                long-term answer to its water woes which most experts
                agree will only get worse as the population continues to

                Israel and Turkey maintain close economic and military
                ties. Relations have grown even stronger in recent months
                after Israel sent rescue teams to Turkey following
                devastating earthquakes.

                Story by Megan Goldin 

                REUTERS NEWS SERVICE 

18.11.99 : Korea: Successful conference against dam construction in Korea

ERN / Seoul/Le Puy, 5.12.99
Short report on the "Environmental NGOs' International Symposium on Dams" - Problems of Dam Construction Policy & Alternative Plans for the 21st Century - taking place from November, 29th to December, 2nd 1999 in Seoul (Korea), organised by the KFEM (Korean Federation of Environmental Movements)
The Program is to be found under: (in English).
This very interesting event with presence of NGOs from Korea, Japan (Rivers!Japan), Thailand (South East Asian Rivers Network), India (Narmada Movement), USA (IRN) and Europe (ERN) has dealt with the Korean dam policy, the NGOs in opposition as well as the possible alternative approaches. Koreas currant dam policy foresees the construction of further 25 middle-sized and large dams for purpose of water supply and flood control.
Koreas official water policy is still based on the classical supply oriented principle. Water is being provided very cheap, partly even free of charge. This has led to an uninhibited water consumption (twice as high as in Belgium while the situation being comparable). At the same time flood control is being performed following antiquated patterns. A widely spread urbanisation can be observed in floodways. The inauguration of a demand - oriented water policy, of programs for implementation of economical water consumption as well as a pollution based water prising are urgently required.
The represented international NGOs have decided to support Korean anti dam campaigns (Tonga River and others) and adopted a resolution. Under the title "Seoul Declaration; For Alternative Water Management in the 21st Century" the resolution points out the main dangers of dams and calls especially for changes in water management regarding flood control, power generation and water supply emphasising the necessity of international collaboration of NGOs 

Further Information:
At the meeting the NGOs informed about the situation in their countries, described the official water and river policies, the position of the NGOs regarding that and talked about their campaigns and alternatives. Representing the ERN, Roberto Epple gave a report on campaigns in Europe (Loire Vivante, Danube) as well as on dam decommissioning in France and Europe (for more information regarding that see our web page). Representatives of KFEM described which way the environmental NGOs in Korea are preparing and co-ordinating campaigns under its leadership. The main emphasis is put upon the very symbolic Tong River Campaign:

This is a large dam (100m high keeping up to 700 Mio m³) at the picturesque Tonga river (basin of the Han river). The dam is planned to serve for water supply of the Seoul agglomeration and for flood control.
The Tonga river has remained almost untouched until now (among other animals the Otter still exists). The river is part of the Ramsar Convention and has been acknowledged as national heritage. The construction of this dam was already delayed by the heavy opposition by 1 to 2 years. A final decision is expected in February or March of 2000 being taken by a mediation commission.
Other important campaigns are run on other rivers, especially the Talle river (bassin of the Han river). There are to be found most of the opponents of a further dam. At the Talle river most of the municipalities are opposing the dam project as there already are other dams on the river. Besides of the classical effects people in the region are afraid of climatical changes (e.g. occurrence of additional fog) with their consequences for agricultural production and human health.
The anti dam campaigns are remarkably well organised and show the effects. In view of the fact that Korea is still a rather young democracy it is easy to imagine how hard the regional NGO`s job is and how subtle therefore they have to approach the problems.

11.11.99 : Das Russian River Network RRN ist gegruendet !

Vom 21. bis 23. Oktober 1999 haben in Nijny Novgorod (ex Gorki) an der Wolga (Rußland) die 
10. Tage der Wolga (Days of Volga) stattgefunden. Gleichzeitig wurde unter Beteiligung von 
Vertretern aus 35 Regionen der Russischen Föderation, aus Kasakhstan, 
dem European Rivers Network (Frankreich), Milieukontakt (Niederlande) und 
der Heinrich Boell Stiftung (Deutschland) das Russian Rivers Network (RRN) gegründet.
Das Netzwerk wurde auf Initiative des Wolga-Netzwerkes "Help the River" dem Organisator der grossartige Wolga Days 
ins Leben gerufent. 
ERN hat seit Jahren mit der Bewegung an der Wolga gearbeitet und stand Pate bei der Gruendung 
und wird sein russisches Gegenstueck in enger Zusammenarbeit vor allem im Bereiche der Kommunikation 
unterstuetzen. ERN hat als erstes bereits einen  neuen Nachrichtendienst in Zusammenarbeit mit RRN 
in Form einer Mailliste in Russisch und Englisch in Betrieb. Der gemeinsame Betrieb eines Mail- und Webservers sowie 
Hilfe beim Aufbau eines Russland-internen Kommunikationsnetzes, Austauschprogramme 
und gemeinsame Kampagnen sind die naechsten Schritte! 

Das neue Netzwerk zum Schutz der russischen Flüsse strukturiert sich wie ERN nach Flusseinzugsgebieten 
und umfaßt in einem ersten Schritt Wolga, Don, Petschora, Tschusawaja, Katun, Ob, Amur, und den 
Baikalsee sowie den Fluß Irtysch in Kasakhstan als assoziiertes Mitglied. Der Sitz des Netwerkes befindet 
sich in Nijny Novgorod (Gorki). Damit fuegt sich das RRN (Russian Rivers Network) nahtlos in die
bestehenden Netze ein und fuellt die Luecke zwischen dem European Rivers Network und dem 
Southeast-Asian Rivers Network welches von IRN (International Rivers Network USA) aufgebaut wird.

Einen ausfuehrlicheren Bericht werden wir in einigen Tagen oder Wochen veroeffentlichen.
Die Protokolle werden zuerst in Russisch fertiggestellt und stehen uns erst danach zur Uebersetzung zur Verfuegung.

Kontaktperson bei ERN fuer Osteuropa ist 
Alfred Olfert (alfred.olfert at (deutsch/englisch/russisch)
RRN Russian Rivers Network founded (Volga Days 99)'

11.11.99 : RRN Russian Rivers Network founded (Volga Days 99)'

The 10th Volga Days took place on the 21st - 23rd of October in the city of Nijny Novgorod (ex Gorky) on the Volga river in Russia. In presence of more than 250 representatives from 35 regions of Russia, Kazakh Republic, European Rivers Network (France), Milieukontakt (Netherlands) and Heinrich Boell Stiftung (Germany) Russian Rivers Network (RRN) was founded. 

The creation of this network was initiated by the Volga Network "Help the River" - the organiser of the wonderful "Volga Days". European Rivers Network has been keeping up a close relationship with this organisation for several years and fostered the creation of the new network. Cultivating this relationship, ERN will support its Russian counterpart, especially in the communication field. As a first act of co-operation with RRN, ERN has established a new intelligence service via a mailing list in English and Russian. The next steps may be a collaborative operation of a mail and web server, the creation of an internal communication network in Russia, exchange programs and concerted campaigns.

In accordance with ERN the new network is structured using the basin areas of the main rivers as basic unites. In this first step RRN includes the river basins the river basins Volga, Don, Petschora, Tschusawaja, Katun, Ob, Amur and the lake Baikal as well as the river Irtysh in the Kasakh Republic as associated member. RRN has its seat in Nijny Novgorod (Gorki). In this way RRN is fitting in with the existing networks and is filling up a gap between European Rivers Network and Southeast Rivers Network, which is being built up by the International Rivers Network (IRN - USA).

A detailed survey will soon be published. The transcripts will first be prepared in Russian before we can have them translated into English.

The ERN contact concerning Eastern European/Eurasia issues is:
alfred.olfert at

11.11.99: Le Russian Rivers Network RRN est fondé (Volga days 99)

La dixième édition des « Volga days 99) a eu lieu du 21 au 23 octobre en Russie, dans la ville de Nijny Novgorod (ex-Gorky) sur la Volga. En présence de plus de 250 représentants venus de 35 différentes régions de Russie, de la République du Kajastan, de European Rivers Network (France), de Milieukontakt (Pays-Bas) et de Heinrich Boell Stiftung (Allemagne), Russian Rivers Network a été mis en place.

La création de ce réseau été initié par le réseau « Help the River » déjà existant sur Volga et qui est l’organisateur des merveilleux « Days of the Volga». European Rivers Network a entretenu, depuis plusieurs années, d’étroites relations avec cette structure et a parrainé la fondation du nouveau réseau. ERN souhaite entretenir cette relation et aider son homologue russe, en premier lieu dans le domaine de la communication. Premier geste de cette coopération, ERN a créé un service d’information par liste de diffusion de courrier électronique en anglais et en russe. Les prochaines étapes pourront être la gestion d’un site web, la création d’un réseau de communication interne à la Russie, des programmes d’échanges et des campagnes cogérées.

Tout comme ERN, ce nouveau réseau se structurera par bassins versants. Dans un premier temps, RRN regroupera les bassins des rivières suivantes : Volga, Don, Petshora, Tshusavaja, Katun, Ob, Amur, Irtysh, ainsi que le lac Baïkal. RRN aura son siège à Nijny Novgorod. Ainsi, RRN s’intègre au réseaux existants et fait le lien entre European Rivers Network et South East Rivers Network animé par  International Rivers Network (IRN – USA). .

Un rapport détaillé sera bientôt publié, en russe puis en anglais.

Contact à
Programmes Europe de l’Est/Eurasie : 
Alfred Olfert alfred.olfert at 

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These pages and their content are © Copyright of European Rivers Network.
For more information, remarks or propositions, send us a message !.

ivers Network (IRN – USA). .

Un rapport détaillé sera bientôt publié, en russe puis en anglais.

Contact à
Programmes Europe de l’Est/Eurasie : 
Alfred Olfert alfred.olfert at 

News older than 11.11.99


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For more information, remarks or propositions, send us a message !.