photo Loira à Serre de la Fare (43)photo barrage Villerestphoto loire moyennephoto La Loire en aval de Toursphoto Loire moyenne
SOS Loire Vivante - ERN France
protecting Loire, Water and Nature = protecting Man

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News and communications by SOS Loire Vivante (Archive)
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Archive 2008
please find more news on our homepage

19.09.08 : In Donges, the french environment minister, Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, returns to the Estuary 6 months after the fiul pollution. (Article Presse Océan)

10.09.08 : a new bridg over the Loire river in Orléans ? The opposition is growing ! (f)

09.09.08 : Announcement : "Conférence débat" Rainwater harvesting in Brioude, le 25 Sept. , 20 h, Halle aux grains (coorganised by SOS LV and the city councel) with Laurent Poumarat (DDASS 43) Bernard Montorier ingénieur- conseil

07.09.08 : SOS Loire vivante present at the "Brocante de Pont de Salomon en Haute Loire" (6+7 sept) and at the Forum associations in Le Puy

28.08.08 : Vu du Ciel (Yann Artus Bertrand):
"Pour que vive les grands fleuves",
a documentary film by Yann Artus Bertand, with the participation of Roberto Epple, Pdt SOS LV - ERN

08.08.08 : The pre program of the "Voyage au coeur de la Loire et du Cher 2008" is available ( in french only). Subscribe !

23.07.08 :M. Borloo presents a plan to improve the french hydropower production
Read (in fernch only):
- Comm. de presse du gouvernement
- Réaction de FNE

11.07.08 : Safety : small dams also are dangerous : article JDLE (PDF)

09.07.08 : publication of the report on dam safety in France
(french, pdf, attention : 6,7 MB)

06.07.08 : Big Jump ! A Big Jump IS organised in Brives Charensac (43), 2 PM

01.07.08 : SOS Infos Nr 54 with the special pages on the 'consultation eau" online (pdf)

11.06.08 : The "jury des professionels" of our project Rivers of picturs and flows of words 2008 meets in the Loire Estuary (Rencontres du Fleuve) in Coueron. Congratulations !
List of the winners 2008

08.06.08 : Announcement : 14 June 2008, Night walkalong the Loire gorges, Organiser : SOS Loire vivante. (in coopreation with the "Compagnie de l'Arbre Indigo".plus d'information (page pdf in french):

05.06.08 : Val d'Authion / Project to improve water pumping by 100 % in the Loire River :
the TA (tribunal administratif) cancel the project and follows Loire vivants argumentation !

01.06.08 : 32 paintings of ou RIFM project (Rivère d'images -fleuves de mots) will be presented during the Rencontres du Fleuve along the Estuary from June 5 - June15

13.05.08 : Participate on the " concours photos "Vivez la Loire Sauvage" (from Bransac to Aurec), inscription befor 31 mai 2008:

24.04.08 : SOS loire vivante - ERN offers a job "Chargé(e) de mission Eau et Rivières; see profil in french.
(Deathline May 15 2008)

Poutès Dam : Initiated by SOS Loire Vivante - ERN France, the french NGOs alerte l'Europe

20.04.08: Now online : Actes du colloque « Des énergies renouvelables, des saumons et des hommes »

16.04.08: Open letter to the Conseil Général des Pyrénées-Atlantiques and the CPIE du Béarn : « L’eau autour du Barrage du Gabas »

: SOS Loire Info 53 online
04.04.08 : "EcEAUnomie" Infotour

in and around Le puy ...
visite the project page

21.03.08 : Loiremail 186 online
17.03.08 : Fuel pollution in the Loire Estuary, Minister Borloo visites Paimboeuf
- Comm presse SOS LV /ONGs
- see Article Ouest France 18.03.08 

14.03.08 : Journée international pour le rivières,
- The international day for rivers
- our press release (pdf)

12.03.08 :Latest News on our Pouts Campaign
11.03.08 : To conserve the wetlands of Marais Poitevin : sign the petition
01.03.08 : The project "EcEAUnomie" is launched ! read the pressrelease in french
27.02.08 : Argentia / Yacyreta : The TV Team is after 5 days free. One member of the groupe is still blocked in Argentina
25.02.08: Argentine / Yacyreta dam! Yann Arthus Bertrand,his team and Roberto Epple President ERN / SOS Loire vivante arrested
07.02.08 : Press Conferenc by the Coordination "Loire Vivante Estuairy" and the french national NGOs FNE, WWF and LPO : Stop the Donges Est Project (port extension):
more information (in french)

04.02.08 : Collandre (43) Great News : The works are interrupted and the sit ewill be renaturalized. (see our news from 24.01.08) !
02.02.08 : "Retrocession" of the houses in Chadron/Colempce (43) by the EPL ( former dam building Company) .Pressrelease ( in french)
24.01.08 : Collandre : After the intervention by SOS loire vivante, the works has been interrupted. !
A meeting should be organized !
-lettre / fax d'urgence à l'EPL
-lettre au CG 43
04.01.07 : Poutès Dam: still operating without concession (pdf) ,in french

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